# What I have read since 1996
[[About the List]] | [[Reading Stats]] | [[Books I Read Before 1996]] | [[now|Current reading]]
|1990s| [[#1996]]|[[#1997]]|[[#1998]]|[[#1999]]|
| ----- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
|2000s| [[#2000]]|[[#2001]]|[[#2002]]|[[#2003]]|[[#2004]]|[[#2005]]|[[#2006]]|[[#2007]]|[[#2008]]|[[#2009]]|
|2010s| [[#2010]]|[[#2011]]|[[#2012]]|[[#2013]]|[[#2014]]|[[#2015]]|[[#2016]]|[[#2017]]|[[#2018]]|[[#2019]]|
|2020s| [[#2020]]|[[#2021]]|[[#2022]]|[[#2023]]|[[#2024]]|[[#2025]]|
## 1996
1. **From Earth To Heaven: F&SF Essays #5** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Spring Valley, NY; finished on 1996-01-13
2. **Science, Numbers and I: F&SF Essays #6** by Isaac Asimov; 242p (0.59 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-02-10
3. **Adding a Dimension: F&SF Essays #3** by Isaac Asimov; 205p (0.50 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-02-24
4. **Of Time and Space and Other Things: F&SF Essays #4** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-03-03
5. **Murder at the ABA** by Isaac Asimov; 259p (0.63 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-03-10
6. **The Stars in Their Courses: F&SF Essays #8** by Isaac Asimov; 218p (0.53 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-03-18
7. **A Tour of the Calculus** by David Berlinski; 333p (0.81 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-03-31
8. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-04-06
9. **Double Star** by Robert A. Heinlein; 242p (0.59 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-04-07
10. **The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov** by Isaac Asimov; 345p (0.84 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-04-13
11. **Nemesis** by Isaac Asimov; 386p (0.94 BEq); Northridge, CA; finished on 1996-04-22
12. **The Tragedy of the Moon: F&SF Essays #11** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-05-02
13. **The Planet that Wasn't: F&SF Essays #15** by Isaac Asimov; 238p (0.58 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-05-05
14. **The Sun Shines Bright: F&SF Essays #19** by Isaac Asimov; 251p (0.61 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-05-07
15. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-05-13
16. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-05-20
17. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-02
18. **Foundation and Empire: Foundation #2** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-05
19. **Second Foundation: Foundation #3** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-08
20. **Foundation's Edge: Foundation #4** by Isaac Asimov; 451p (1.10 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-12
21. **Foundation and Earth: Foundation #5** by Isaac Asimov; 529p (1.29 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-17
22. **Prelude to Foundation: Foundation #6** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-25
23. **Forward the Foundation: Foundation #7** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-06-28
24. **Asimov Laughs Again** by Isaac Asimov; 369p (0.90 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-08-15
25. **Blameless in Abaddon** by James Morrow; 415p (1.01 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-08-23
26. **Our Angry Earth** by Isaac Asimov and Frederik Pohl; 324p (0.79 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-09-02
27. **Change!** by Isaac Asimov; 201p (0.49 BEq); Avalon, CA; finished on 1996-09-13
28. **Idoru** by William Gibson; 308p (0.75 BEq); Santa Monica, CA; finished on 1996-09-22
29. **Humpty Dumpty: An Oval** by Damon Knight; 287p (0.70 BEq); Santa Monica, CA; finished on 1996-09-30
30. **Something Wicked This Way Comes** by Ray Bradbury; 292p (0.71 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-10-05
31. **Red Mars** by Kim Stanley Robinson; 574p (1.40 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-10-28
32. **Counting the Eons: F&SF Essays #20** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-10-31
33. **Chorale** by Barry N. Malzberg; 181p (0.44 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-03
34. **Way Station** by Clifford D. Simak; 210p (0.51 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-09
35. **The Space Merchants** by Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth; 185p (0.45 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-11
36. **Herovit's World** by Barry N. Malzberg; 160p (0.39 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-13
37. **Fahrenheit 451** by Ray Bradbury; 189p (0.46 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-17
38. **Sundiver** by David Brin; 341p (0.83 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-11-20
39. **The Martian Chronicles** by Ray Bradbury; 181p (0.44 BEq); Morrow Bay, CA; finished on 1996-11-30
40. **City of Truth** by James Morrow; 160p (0.39 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1996-12-01
41. **The Demon-Haunted World** by Carl Sagan; 456p (1.11 BEq); Los Angeles, CA; finished on 1996-12-31
## 1997
42. **The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on Human Intelligence** by Carl Sagan; 271p (0.66 BEq); Los Angeles, CA; finished on 1997-01-07
43. **Broca's Brain** by Carl Sagan; 398p (0.97 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-01-20
44. **Pale Blue Dot** by Carl Sagan; 386p (0.94 BEq); Valley Glen, VA; finished on 1997-01-23
45. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-01-25
46. **Foundation and Empire: Foundation #2** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-01-30
47. **Second Foundation: Foundation #3** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-02-10
48. **Foundation's Edge: Foundation #4** by Isaac Asimov; 451p (1.10 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-03-02
49. **Foundation and Earth: Foundation #5** by Isaac Asimov; 529p (1.29 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-03-18
50. **Prelude to Foundation: Foundation #6** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-03-25
51. **Forward the Foundation: Foundation #7** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-03-29
52. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-04-06
53. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-04-16
54. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-05-03
55. **How to Enjoy Writing** by Janet Asimov; 164p (0.40 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-05-17
56. **Contact** by Carl Sagan; 579p (1.41 BEq); Morro Bay, CA; finished on 1997-05-27
57. **View from a Height: F&SF Essays #2** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-07-06
58. **The Solar System and Back: F&SF Essays #7** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-07-12
59. **Billions and Billions** by Carl Sagan; 296p (0.72 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-08-17
60. **Foundation's Fear** by Gregory Benford; 607p (1.48 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-18
61. **Age of Wonders** by David G. Hartwell; 320p (0.78 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-23
62. **The Stars My Destination** by Alfred Bester; 259p (0.63 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-24
63. **Rogue Moon** by Algis Budrys; 189p (0.46 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-26
64. **The Demolished Man** by Alfred Bester; 251p (0.61 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-29
65. **Dying Inside** by Robert Silverberg; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-09-30
66. **Time Out of Joint** by Phillip K. Dick; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-10-04
67. **The Past Through Tomorrow** by Robert A. Heinlein; 829p (2.02 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-10-14
68. **Beyond Apollo** by Barry N. Malzberg; 152p (0.37 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-10-18
69. **The Illustrated Man** by Ray Bradbury; 185p (0.45 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-10-23
70. **Galaxies** by Barry N. Malzberg; 210p (0.51 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-10-19
71. **The Forever War** by Joe Haldeman; 279p (0.68 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-11-03
72. **Lecherous Limericks** by Isaac Asimov; 95p (0.23 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-11-25
73. **Today and Tomorrow and…** by Isaac Asimov; 320p (0.78 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-12-06
74. **The Tyrannosaurus Prescription** by Isaac Asimov; 324p (0.79 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-12-13
75. **X Stands for Unknown: F&SF Essays #21** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-12-18
76. **The Subatomic Monster: F&SF Essays #22** by Isaac Asimov; 214p (0.52 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1997-12-24
77. **Timequake** by Kurt Vonnegut; 275p (0.67 BEq); Northridge, CA; finished on 1997-12-16
78. **Forever Peace** by Joe Haldeman; 353p (0.86 BEq); Northridge, CA; finished on 1997-12-29
## 1998
79. **Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright: F&SF Essays #17** by Isaac Asimov; 222p (0.54 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1998-01-07
80. **The Road to Infinity: F&SF Essays #18** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1998-01-15
81. **The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin** by Ben Franklin; 46p (0.11 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1998-01-19
82. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); Washington, DC; finished on 1998-02-01
83. **Foundation and Empire** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Washington, DC; finished on 1998-02-14
84. **Second Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); Burbank, CA; finished on 1998-02-23
85. **Foundation's Edge** by Isaac Asimov; 451p (1.10 BEq); ; finished on 1998-03-08
86. **Foundation and Earth** by Isaac Asimov; 529p (1.29 BEq); ; finished on 1998-03-22
87. **Prelude to Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 1998-03-26
88. **Forward the Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 1998-03-30
89. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 1998-04-05
90. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 1998-04-11
91. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 1998-04-18
92. **Foundation and Chaos** by Greg Bear; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 1998-04-20
93. **The Roving Mind** by Isaac Asimov; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 1998-05-02
94. **A Man on the Moon** by Andrew Chaikin; 689p (1.68 BEq); ; finished on 1998-05-12
95. **Deke!** by Donald Slayton; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 1998-06-10
96. **Carrying the Fire** by Michael Collins; 480p (1.17 BEq); ; finished on 1998-07-04
97. **Yours, Isaac Asimov: A Lifetime of Letters** by Stanley Asimov; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 1998-08-24
98. **The Silent** by Jack Dann; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 1998-09-01
99. **Voyage** by Stephen Baxter; 784p (1.91 BEq); ; finished on 1998-09-14
100. **Earth is Room Enough** by Isaac Asimov; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 1998-09-19
101. **Nine Tomorrows** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 1998-09-20
102. **Nightfall and Other Stories** by Isaac Asimov; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 1998-10-03
103. **Out of Everywhere: F&SF Essays #26** by Isaac Asimov; 238p (0.58 BEq); ; finished on 1998-10-09
104. **The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science** by Isaac Asimov; 866p (2.11 BEq); ; finished on 1998-11-01
105. **I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay** by Harlan Ellison and Isaac Asimov; 271p (0.66 BEq); ; finished on 1998-12-25
106. **The Engines of the Night** by Barry N. Malzberg; 197p (0.48 BEq); ; finished on 1998-12-27
107. **Virtual Unrealities: The Short Fiction of Alfred Bester** by Alfred Bester; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 1998-12-30
## 1999
108. **Psychoshop** by Alfred Bester and Roger Zelazny; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-01
109. **Guernica Night** by Barry N. Malzberg; 128p (0.31 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-03
110. **The World Inside** by Robert Silverberg; 234p (0.57 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-04
111. **The Dead Father** by Donald Barthelme; 177p (0.43 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-05
112. **The Falling Astronauts** by Barry N. Malzberg; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-09
113. **The End of Eternity** by Isaac Asimov; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-11
114. **The Sodom and Gomorrah Business** by Barry N. Malzberg; 128p (0.31 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-09
115. **Tau Zero** by Poul Anderson; 189p (0.46 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-18
116. **2001: A Space Odyssey** by Arthur C. Clarke; 296p (0.72 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-23
117. **Slan** by A. E. Van Vogt; 271p (0.66 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-25
118. **Deathbird Stories** by Harlan Ellison; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 1999-01-30
119. **The Lovers** by Philip Jose Farmer; 201p (0.49 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-03
120. **Fantastic Voyage** by Isaac Asimov; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-06
121. **Podkayne of Mars** by Robert A. Heinlein; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-09
122. **City** by Clifford D. Simak; 251p (0.61 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-16
123. **Starship Troopers** by Robert A. Heinlein; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-19
124. **The Einstein Intersection** by Samuel R. Delany; 136p (0.33 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-20
125. **More than Human** by Theodore Sturgeon; 185p (0.45 BEq); ; finished on 1999-02-28
126. **The Destruction of the Temple** by Barry N. Malzberg; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 1999-03-02
127. **Overlay** by Barry N. Malzberg; 189p (0.46 BEq); ; finished on 1999-03-05
128. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 1999-04-03
129. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 1999-04-14
130. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 1999-04-25
131. **Foundation's Triumph** by David Brin; 394p (0.96 BEq); ; finished on 1999-04-30
132. **Fact and Fancy: F&SF Essays #1** by Isaac Asimov; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 1999-05-04
133. **Of Matters Great and Small: F&SF Essays #13** by Isaac Asimov; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 1999-07-01
134. **A Spell For Chameleon** by Piers Anthony; 345p (0.84 BEq); ; finished on 1999-09-19
135. **The Source of Magic** by Piers Anthony; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 1999-09-25
136. **Castle Roogna** by Piers Anthony; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 1999-10-03
137. **Centaur Aisle** by Piers Anthony; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 1999-10-08
138. **Ogre, Ogre** by Piers Anthony; 308p (0.75 BEq); ; finished on 1999-10-31
139. **Night Mare** by Piers Anthony; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 1999-11-06
140. **Dragon on a Pedestal** by Piers Anthony; 308p (0.75 BEq); ; finished on 1999-11-07
141. **Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn** by Piers Anthony; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 1999-11-09
142. **Golem in the Gears** by Piers Anthony; 328p (0.80 BEq); ; finished on 1999-11-10
143. **Vale of the Vole** by Piers Anthony; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 1999-11-15
144. **The Eternal Footman** by James Morrow; 361p (0.88 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-05
145. **A Scanner Darkly** by Philip K. Dick; 218p (0.53 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-11
146. **Sincerely, Andy Rooney** by Andy Rooney; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-12
147. **Revelations** by Barry N. Malzberg; 123p (0.30 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-16
148. **Forever Free** by Joe Haldeman; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-18
149. **The Spread** by Barry N. Malzberg; 156p (0.38 BEq); ; finished on 1999-12-19
## 2000
150. **The Life of Greece: The Story of Civilization, Volume 2** by Will Durant; 755p (1.84 BEq); ; finished on 2000-01-16
151. **The Forever Machine** by Mark Clifton and Frank Riley; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2000-01-23
152. **The Skylark of Space** by E. E. "Doc" Smith; 214p (0.52 BEq); ; finished on 2000-01-30
153. **Marvels of Science** by Isaac Asimov; 197p (0.48 BEq); ; finished on 2000-02-17
154. **Is Anyone There?** by Isaac Asimov; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2000-03-18
155. **2010: Odyssey Two** by Arthur C. Clarke; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2000-03-19
156. **Carl Sagan: A Life** by William Poundstone; 497p (1.21 BEq); ; finished on 2000-03-25
157. **2061: Odyssey Three** by Arthur C. Clarke; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2000-03-26
158. **3001: Final Odyssey** by Arthur C. Clarke; 271p (0.66 BEq); ; finished on 2000-03-28
159. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2000-04-07
160. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2000-04-15
161. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2000-05-02
162. **The Inimitable Jeeves** by P. G. Wodehouse; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2000-05-03
163. **The Annotated Alice** by Lewis Carroll and Martin Gardner; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2000-05-06
164. **The Murder of Roger Ackroyd** by Agatha Christie; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2000-05-23
165. **Murder on the Orient Express** by Agatha Christie; 275p (0.67 BEq); ; finished on 2000-05-24
166. **Debt of Honor** by Tom Clancy; 989p (2.41 BEq); ; finished on 2000-06-02
167. **God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian** by Kurt Vonnegut; 82p (0.20 BEq); ; finished on 2000-07-10
168. **Executive Orders** by Tom Clancy; 1271p (3.10 BEq); ; finished on 2000-07-31
169. **The Hunt for Red October** by Tom Clancy; 431p (1.05 BEq); ; finished on 2000-08-06
170. **Patriot Games** by Tom Clancy; 505p (1.23 BEq); ; finished on 2000-08-10
171. **The Cardinal of the Kremlin** by Tom Clancy; 546p (1.33 BEq); ; finished on 2000-08-13
172. **Clear and Present Danger** by Tom Clancy; 689p (1.68 BEq); ; finished on 2000-08-27
173. **The Sum of All Fears** by Tom Clancy; 927p (2.26 BEq); ; finished on 2000-09-03
174. **The Day of the Burning** by Barry N. Malzberg; 164p (0.40 BEq); ; finished on 2000-09-25
175. **Stranger in a Strange Land** by Robert A. Heinlein; 529p (1.29 BEq); ; finished on 2000-10-03
176. **Camp Concentration** by Thomas M. Disch; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2000-10-05
177. **To Your Scattered Bodies Go** by Philip Jose Farmer; 222p (0.54 BEq); ; finished on 2000-10-08
178. **Failure Is Not An Option** by Gene Kranz; 415p (1.01 BEq); ; finished on 2000-10-15
179. **The Human Body** by Isaac Asimov; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2000-11-15
180. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); ; finished on 2000-12-03
181. **Foundation and Empire** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2000-12-07
182. **Did Adam and Eve Have Navels?** by Martin Gardner; 251p (0.61 BEq); ; finished on 2000-12-28
## 2001
183. **From Wandering Jew to William F. Buckley** by Martin Gardner; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2001-01-04
184. **My War** by Andy Rooney; 333p (0.81 BEq); ; finished on 2001-01-21
185. **Out From Ganymede** by Barry N. Malzberg; 152p (0.37 BEq); ; finished on 2001-02-23
186. **The Man Who Loved the Midnight Lady** by Barry N. Malzberg; 201p (0.49 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-02
187. **Childhood's End** by Arthur C. Clarke; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-04
188. **Eon** by Greg Bear; 513p (1.25 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-11
189. **Timescape** by Gregory Benford; 501p (1.22 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-13
190. **Darwin's Radio** by Greg Bear; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-18
191. **The Coming** by Joe Haldeman; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-25
192. **The Fountains of Paradise** by Arthur C. Clarke; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-25
193. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2001-03-31
194. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2001-04-08
195. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2001-04-21
196. **The Land of Canaan** by Isaac Asimov; 308p (0.75 BEq); ; finished on 2001-04-28
197. **The Three Musketeers** by Alexandre Dumas; 788p (1.92 BEq); ; finished on 2001-05-06
198. **Longitude** by Dava Sobel; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2001-05-07
199. **D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II** by Stephen Ambrose; 656p (1.60 BEq); ; finished on 2001-05-21
200. **John Adams** by David McCullough; 751p (1.83 BEq); ; finished on 2001-07-02
201. **Truman** by David McCullough; 1120p (2.73 BEq); ; finished on 2001-07-15
202. **Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone** by J. K. Rowling; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2001-07-15
203. **Does America Need a Foreign Policy** by Henry Kissenger; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2001-07-22
204. **Maestro: Greenspan's Fed and the American Boom** by Bob Woodward; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2001-07-26
205. **Moon Lander: How We Developed the Apollo Lunar Module** by Thomas J. Kelly; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2001-08-01
206. **Nothing Like It in the World: The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869** by Stephen Ambrose; 431p (1.05 BEq); ; finished on 2001-08-19
207. **Eisenhower: Soldier and President** by Stephen Ambrose; 640p (1.56 BEq); ; finished on 2001-09-04
208. **The Fed: The Inside Story of How the World's Most Powerful Financial Institution Drives the Markets** by Martin Mayer; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2001-09-08
209. **Salem's Lot** by Stephen King; 484p (1.18 BEq); ; finished on 2001-09-16
210. **The Supreme Court** by William H. Rehnquist; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2001-09-23
211. **Jack: Straight from the Gut** by Jack Welch and John Byrne; 497p (1.21 BEq); ; finished on 2001-09-29
212. **Shoeless Joe** by W. P. Kinsella; 271p (0.66 BEq); ; finished on 2001-10-08
213. **The Iowa Baseball Confederacy** by W. P. Kinsella; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2001-10-28
214. **From the Dust Returned** by Ray Bradbury; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2001-10-30
215. **Babel-17** by Samuel R. Delany; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2001-11-04
216. **The Godfather** by Mario Puzo; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2001-11-12
217. **In the Enclosure** by Barry N. Malzberg; 189p (0.46 BEq); None; finished on 2001-11-14
218. **Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation** by Joseph J. Ellis; 292p (0.71 BEq); ; finished on 2001-11-24
219. **The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt** by Edmund Morris; 779p (1.90 BEq); ; finished on 2001-12-07
## 2002
220. **View From a Height: F&SF Essays #2** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 2002-01-08
221. **Adding a Dimension: F&SF Essays #3** by Isaac Asimov; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2002-01-13
222. **Terraforming Earth** by Jack Williamson; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2002-01-20
223. **Passage** by Connie Willis; 779p (1.90 BEq); ; finished on 2002-02-02
224. **American Gods** by Neil Gaiman; 636p (1.55 BEq); ; finished on 2002-02-09
225. **Calculating God** by Robert J. Sawyer; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 2002-02-09
226. **Theodore Rex** by Edmund Morris; 771p (1.88 BEq); ; finished on 2002-02-18
227. **Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary** by Linus Torvalds; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2002-02-23
228. **Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President** by Jimmy Carter; 640p (1.56 BEq); ; finished on 2002-03-05
229. **The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin** by H. W. Brands; 767p (1.87 BEq); ; finished on 2002-03-29
230. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2002-04-03
231. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2002-04-12
232. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2002-04-22
233. **Rendezvous with Rama** by Arthur C. Clarke; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2002-06-07
234. **Built to Last** by James C. Collins; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2002-07-03
235. **Good to Great** by James C. Collins; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2002-07-07
236. **Flight: My Life In Mission Control** by Chris Kraft; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2002-09-04
237. **John Glenn: A Memoir** by John Glenn; 423p (1.03 BEq); ; finished on 2002-09-07
238. **Common Nonsense** by Andy Rooney; 365p (0.89 BEq); ; finished on 2002-11-02
239. **To America: Personal Reflections of a Historian** by Stephen Ambrose; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2002-11-05
240. **Guardian** by Joe Haldeman; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2002-11-07
241. **A History of the American People** by Paul Johnson; 1103p (2.69 BEq); ; finished on 2002-12-22
242. **Bush at War** by Bob Woodward; 382p (0.93 BEq); ; finished on 2002-12-30
## 2003
243. **The Thrill of the Grass** by W. P. Kinsella and W.P. Kinsella; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-02
244. **Shopgirl** by Steve Martin; 132p (0.32 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-03
245. **Travel's with Charley: In Search of America** by John Steinbeck; 214p (0.52 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-09
246. **Magic Time** by W. P. Kinsella; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-11
247. **Forever: A Novel** by Pete Hamill; 615p (1.50 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-19
248. **Let's All Kill Constance** by Ray Bradbury; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-21
249. **The Grapes of Wrath** by John Steinbeck; 480p (1.17 BEq); ; finished on 2003-01-26
250. **America and Americans** by John Steinbeck; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2003-02-05
251. **The Little Prince** by Antoine de Saint-Exupery; 82p (0.20 BEq); ; finished on 2003-03-09
252. **Band of Brothers** by Stephen Ambrose; 431p (1.05 BEq); ; finished on 2003-03-27
253. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2003-04-20
254. **Pattern Recognition** by William Gibson; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2003-05-27
255. **The Da Vinci Code** by Dan Brown; 480p (1.17 BEq); ; finished on 2003-06-26
256. **The Life You Imagine** by Derek Jeter and Jack Curry; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2003-07-20
257. **Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game** by Michael Lewis; 316p (0.77 BEq); ; finished on 2003-07-26
258. **UML Distilled** by Martin Fowler; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2003-07-31
259. **Baseball: A History of America's Game** by Benjamin G. Rader; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-01
260. **Roads: Driving America's Great Highways** by Larry McMurtry; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-03
261. **The Lovely Bones** by Alice Sebold; 328p (0.80 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-05
262. **The Natural** by Bernard Malamud; 230p (0.56 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-07
263. **Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Hook Has Gone Before** by Tony Horwitz; 480p (1.17 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-20
264. **Body for Life** by Michael D'Orso; 201p (0.49 BEq); ; finished on 2003-08-23
265. **Nixon: The Education of a Politician 1919-1962** by Stephen Ambrose; 849p (2.07 BEq); ; finished on 2003-09-03
266. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); ; finished on 2003-10-19
267. **Foundation and Empire** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2003-10-22
268. **Fact and Fancy: F&SF Essays #1** by Isaac Asimov; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2003-11-26
269. **The Making of the Atomic Bomb** by Richard Rhodes; 886p (2.16 BEq); ; finished on 2003-12-11
## 2004
270. **The Pleasure of My Company** by Steve Martin; 177p (0.43 BEq); ; finished on 2004-01-23
271. **The Time Traveler's Wife** by Audrey Niffenegger; 529p (1.29 BEq); ; finished on 2004-01-26
272. **1968** by Joe Haldeman; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2004-01-31
273. **Thomas Jefferson: A Life** by Willard Sterne Randall; 738p (1.80 BEq); ; finished on 2004-02-08
274. **Moving Mars** by Greg Bear; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2004-02-26
275. **Dandelion Wine** by Ray Bradbury; 238p (0.58 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-03
276. **Falling Free** by Lois McMaster Bujold; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-06
277. **A Clockwork Orange** by Anthony Burgess; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-08
278. **Ender's Game** by Orson Scott Card; 324p (0.79 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-09
279. **Speaker for the Dead** by Orson Scott Card; 382p (0.93 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-13
280. **I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream** by Harlan Ellison; 136p (0.33 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-14
281. **Gentleman Junkie and Other Stories of the Hung-Up Generation** by Harlan Ellison; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-19
282. **Slippage** by Harlan Ellison; 402p (0.98 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-24
283. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2004-03-31
284. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2004-04-16
285. **Trump: How to Get Rich** by Donald Trump; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2004-07-06
286. **Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity** by David Allen; 267p (0.65 BEq); ; finished on 2004-07-09
287. **A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius** by Dave Eggers; 484p (1.18 BEq); ; finished on 2004-07-31
288. **The Five People You Meet in Heaven** by Mitch Albom; 197p (0.48 BEq); ; finished on 2004-07-31
289. **Camouflage** by Joe Haldeman; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2004-08-19
290. **Lost Horizon** by James Hilton; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2004-08-22
291. **A Farewell to Arms** by Ernest Hemingway; 292p (0.71 BEq); ; finished on 2004-08-26
292. **The Coma** by Alex Garland; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2004-08-27
293. **The Shadow of the Wind** by Carlos Ruiz Zafon; 488p (1.19 BEq); ; finished on 2004-09-05
294. **East of Eden** by John Steinbeck; 603p (1.47 BEq); ; finished on 2004-09-14
295. **Needful Things** by Stephen King; 792p (1.93 BEq); ; finished on 2004-09-25
296. **The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time** by Mark Haddon; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 2004-09-27
297. **Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman** by James Gleick; 533p (1.30 BEq); ; finished on 2004-10-06
298. **Isaac Newton** by James Gleick; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2004-10-11
299. **A Short History of Nearly Everything** by Bill Bryson; 546p (1.33 BEq); ; finished on 2004-10-24
300. **The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency** by Philip H. Melanson; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2004-10-26
301. **Gateway** by Frederik Pohl; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 2004-11-29
302. **Beyond the Blue Event Horizon** by Frederik Pohl; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-04
303. **Dune** by Frank Herbert; 603p (1.47 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-19
304. **Screen** by Barry N. Malzberg; 189p (0.46 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-21
305. **The Eternal Footman** by James Morrow; 361p (0.88 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-23
306. **On a Planet Alien** by Barry N. Malzberg; 144p (0.35 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-27
307. **The Last Transaction** by Barry N. Malzberg; 164p (0.40 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-29
308. **The Door Into Summer** by Robert A. Heinlein; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2004-12-31
## 2005
309. **Friday** by Robert A. Heinlein; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2005-01-10
310. **One More for the Road** by Ray Bradbury; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2005-01-13
311. **Downtown: My Manhattan** by Pete Hamill; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2005-01-18
312. **The Catcher in the Rye** by J. D. Salinger; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 2005-01-20
313. **Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams** by Gary Giddins; 767p (1.87 BEq); ; finished on 2005-02-03
314. **Hominids** by Robert J. Sawyer; 443p (1.08 BEq); ; finished on 2005-03-31
315. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2005-04-10
316. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2005-04-19
317. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2005-05-04
318. **View From a Height: F&SF Essays #2** by Isaac Asimov; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 2005-05-09
319. **Buy Jupiter and Other Stories** by Isaac Asimov; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2005-05-16
320. **Light This Candle: The Life and Times of Alan Shepard** by Neal Thompson; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 2005-05-30
321. **Rocketman: Astronaut Pete Conrad's Incredible Ride to the Moon and Beyond** by Nancy Conrad; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2005-06-11
322. **Shogun** by James Clavell; 1153p (2.81 BEq); ; finished on 2005-07-26
323. **Old Twentieth** by Joe Haldeman; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-09
324. **Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon From the Cave, Too Far from the Stars** by Ray Bradbury; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-12
325. **The Cats Pajamas** by Ray Bradbury; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-17
326. **The Ray Bradbury Chronicles: The Life of Ray Bradbury** by Sam Weller; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-21
327. **Lunar Park** by Bret Easton Ellis; 406p (0.99 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-24
328. **The Informers** by Bret Easton Ellis; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-25
329. **Less Than Zero** by Bret Easton Ellis; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2005-08-27
330. **The Road to Science Fiction #3: From Heinlein to Here edited** by James Gunn; 656p (1.60 BEq); ; finished on 2005-09-15
331. **Years of Minutes** by Andy Rooney; 525p (1.28 BEq); ; finished on 2005-10-07
332. **Never Have Your Dog Stuffed** by Alan Alda; 234p (0.57 BEq); Lihue, HI; finished on 2005-11-08
333. **First Man: The Life of Neil Armstrong** by James R. Hansen; 771p (1.88 BEq); ; finished on 2005-11-16
334. **Surely, You're Joking Mr. Feynman** by Richard P. Feynman; 390p (0.95 BEq); ; finished on 2005-11-19
335. **Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman edited** by Michelle Feynman; 488p (1.19 BEq); ; finished on 2005-11-21
336. **Foundation: Foundation #1** by Isaac Asimov; 246p (0.60 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-11
337. **Foundation and Empire** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-12
338. **Second Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-14
339. **Foundation's Edge** by Isaac Asimov; 451p (1.10 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-20
340. **Foundation and Earth** by Isaac Asimov; 529p (1.29 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-24
341. **Prelude to Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-28
342. **Forward the Foundation** by Isaac Asimov; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 2005-12-30
## 2006
343. **Foundation's Fear** by Gregory Benford; 607p (1.48 BEq); ; finished on 2006-01-11
344. **Foundation and Chaos** by Greg Bear; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2006-01-17
345. **Foundation's Triumph** by David Brin; 394p (0.96 BEq); ; finished on 2006-01-23
346. **The Moon is a Harsh Mistress** by Robert A. Heinlein; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2006-01-28
347. **The Many Worlds of Barry Malzberg** by Barry N. Malzberg; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2006-01-29
348. **The Passage of the Light: The Recursive Science Fiction of Barry N. Malzberg** by Barry N. Malzberg; 283p (0.69 BEq); ; finished on 2006-02-15
349. **It's Superman!** by Tom De Haven; 419p (1.02 BEq); ; finished on 2006-02-23
350. **Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898** by Edwin G. Burrows; 1423p (3.47 BEq); ; finished on 2006-03-30
351. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2006-04-10
352. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2006-04-24
353. **In Joy Still felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2006-05-12
354. **Living It Up (Or, They Still Love Me in Altoona)** by George Burns; 246p (0.60 BEq); ; finished on 2006-05-13
355. **The Third Time Around** by George Burns; 218p (0.53 BEq); ; finished on 2006-05-15
356. **3 Nights in August** by Buzz Bissinger; 287p (0.70 BEq); ; finished on 2006-05-31
357. **Flashforward** by Robert J. Sawyer; 320p (0.78 BEq); None; finished on 2006-08-04
358. **Mindscan** by Robert J. Sawyer; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2006-08-08
359. **A Canticle for Leibowitz** by Walter M. Miller; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 2006-09-04
360. **Flowers for Algernon** by Daniel Keyes; 333p (0.81 BEq); ; finished on 2006-09-06
361. **Brainiac: Adventures in the Curious, Competitive, Compulsive World of Trivia Buffs** by Ken Jennings; 271p (0.66 BEq); ; finished on 2006-09-16
362. **The Demon-Haunted World** by Carl Sagan; 456p (1.11 BEq); ; finished on 2006-09-25
363. **Out of My Mind** by Andy Rooney; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2006-10-10
364. **Humans** by Robert J. Sawyer; 333p (0.81 BEq); ; finished on 2006-11-30
## 2007
365. **Chindi** by Jack McDevitt; 513p (1.25 BEq); ; finished on 2007-01-03
366. **The Engines of God** by Jack McDevitt; 419p (1.02 BEq); ; finished on 2007-01-18
367. **The Winds of Change and Other Stories** by Isaac Asimov; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 2007-02-03
368. **Death tky Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandaries** by Neil DeGrasse Tyson; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2007-02-08
369. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2007-04-03
370. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2007-04-10
371. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2007-05-05
372. **Breakfast in the Ruins: Science Fiction in the Last Millennium** by Barry N. Malzberg; 390p (0.95 BEq); ; finished on 2007-05-09
373. **The Mysterious Affair at Styles** by Agatha Christie; 296p (0.72 BEq); ; finished on 2007-05-19
374. **Up From Dragons** by John R. Skyoles and Dorian Sagan; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-08
375. **Spook Country** by William Gibson; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-21
376. **Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity** by David Allen; 267p (0.65 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-17
377. **The Accidental Time Machine** by Joe Haldeman; 279p (0.68 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-22
378. **Creating Short Fiction** by Damon Knight; 226p (0.55 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-25
379. **Rickles' Book** by Don Rickles; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-25
380. **The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time** by Barry N. Malzberg; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2007-08-30
## 2008
381. **Our Oriental Heritage: The Story of Civilization, Volume 1** by Will Durant; 1050p (2.56 BEq); ; finished on 2008-02-03
382. **Odyssey** by Jack McDevitt; 415p (1.01 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-03
383. **The Terminal Experiment** by Robert J. Sawyer; 333p (0.81 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-04
384. **The Left Hand of Darkness** by Ursula K. Le Guin; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-12
385. **War Year** by Joe Haldeman; 128p (0.31 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-17
386. **Up the Line** by Robert Silverberg; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-22
387. **Factoring Humanity** by Robert J. Sawyer; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2008-03-24
388. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2008-04-07
389. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2008-04-20
390. **The Last Lecture** by Randy Pausch; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2008-05-05
391. **Bright Shiny Morning** by James Frey; 501p (1.22 BEq); ; finished on 2008-06-20
392. **The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language** by Steven Pinker; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2008-07-07
393. **Old Man's War** by John Scalzi; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2008-08-31
394. **Rainbows End** by Vernor Vinge; 382p (0.93 BEq); ; finished on 2008-09-11
395. **The Ghost Brigades** by John Scalzi; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2008-09-16
396. **Einstein: His Life and Universe** by Walter Isaacson; 550p (1.34 BEq); ; finished on 2008-11-11
397. **Marsbound** by Joe Haldeman; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2008-11-27
398. **Only Begotten Daughter: A Novel** by James Morrow; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2008-11-29
399. **Frameshift** by Robert J. Sawyer; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2008-12-02
400. **Cauldron** by Jack McDevitt; 374p (0.91 BEq); ; finished on 2008-12-07
## 2009
401. **The Hard S. F. Renaissance edited** by David G. Hartwell; 960p (2.34 BEq); ; finished on 2009-01-06
402. **Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters** by Richard Winters; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2009-02-03
403. **I Remember the Future** by Michael Burstein; 410p (1.00 BEq); ; finished on 2009-02-10
404. **Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea** by Steven Callahan; 345p (0.84 BEq); ; finished on 2009-02-17
405. **The Way the Future Was** by Frederik Pohl; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2009-02-24
406. **Steal Across the Sky** by Nancy Kress; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2009-03-03
407. **We'll Always Have Paris** by Ray Bradbury; 210p (0.51 BEq); ; finished on 2009-03-19
408. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2009-04-06
409. **Polaris** by Jack McDevitt; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2009-06-23
410. **Mindbridge** by Joe Haldeman; 185p (0.45 BEq); ; finished on 2009-07-26
411. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2009-09-16
412. **The Lost Symbol** by Dan Brown; 509p (1.24 BEq); ; finished on 2009-09-17
413. **Carrie** by Stephen King; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2009-09-21
414. **The Shining** by Stephen King; 447p (1.09 BEq); ; finished on 2009-09-28
415. **It** by Stephen King; 1116p (2.72 BEq); ; finished on 2009-10-28
416. **Night Shift** by Stephen King; 410p (1.00 BEq); ; finished on 2009-11-03
417. **Time Travelers Never Die** by Jack McDevitt; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2009-11-09
418. **Under the Dome** by Stephen King; 1075p (2.62 BEq); ; finished on 2009-11-30
419. **Different Seasons** by Stephen King; 562p (1.37 BEq); ; finished on 2009-12-09
## 2010
420. **C.M. Kornbluth** by Mark Rich; 439p (1.07 BEq); ; finished on 2010-02-03
421. **Galileo's Dreams** by Kim Stanley Robinson; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2010-02-15
422. **Blackout** by Connie Willis; 611p (1.49 BEq); ; finished on 2010-03-12
423. **Other Spaces, Other Times** by Robert Silverberg; 201p (0.49 BEq); ; finished on 2010-03-14
424. **I. Asimov: A Memoir** by Isaac Asimov; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2010-04-18
425. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2010-04-24
426. **Seeker** by Jack McDevitt; 374p (0.91 BEq); ; finished on 2010-05-02
427. **In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978** by Isaac Asimov; 841p (2.05 BEq); ; finished on 2010-05-04
428. **The Stand** by Stephen King; 1153p (2.81 BEq); ; finished on 2010-06-02
429. **The Dead Zone** by Stephen King; 402p (0.98 BEq); ; finished on 2010-06-11
430. **Firestarter** by Stephen King; 415p (1.01 BEq); ; finished on 2010-06-25
431. **Pet Sematary** by Stephen King; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2010-06-29
432. **Booklife** by Jeff VanderMeer; 328p (0.80 BEq); ; finished on 2010-07-13
433. **Underlay** by Barry N. Malzberg; 181p (0.44 BEq); ; finished on 2010-07-16
434. **Caesar and Christ: The Story of Civilization, Volume 3** by Will Durant; 751p (1.83 BEq); ; finished on 2010-08-17
435. **Doomsday Book** by Connie Willis; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2010-09-16
436. **The Devil's Eye** by Jack McDevitt; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2010-12-05
437. **Echo** by Jack McDevitt; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2010-12-12
438. **The Stand: Complete and Uncut** by Stephen King; 1152p (2.81 BEq); ; finished on 2010-12-29
## 2011
439. **Astounding Science Fiction. July 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-01-22
440. **Astounding Science Fiction, August 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-01-30
441. **Astounding Science Fiction, September 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-02-06
442. **Astounding Science Fiction, October 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-02-13
443. **Astounding Science Fiction, November 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-02-20
444. **Astounding Science Fiction, December 1939** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-02-27
445. **Astounding Science Fiction, January 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-03-06
446. **Astounding Science Fiction, February 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-03-13
447. **Astounding Science Fiction, March 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-03-20
448. **Astounding Science Fiction, April 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-03-27
449. **Astounding Science Fiction, May 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-04-03
450. **Astounding Science Fiction, June 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-04-11
451. **Astounding Science Fiction, July 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-04-24
452. **Astounding Science Fiction, August 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-05-02
453. **Astounding Science Fiction, September 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-05-15
454. **Game of Thrones** by George R. R. Martin; 837p (2.04 BEq); ; finished on 2011-05-16
455. **Astounding Science Fiction, October 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-05-30
456. **You're Not Foolin' Anyone When You Take Your Laptop To a Coffee Shop: Scalzi on Writing** by John Scalzi; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2011-06-06
457. **Blockade Billy** by Stephen King; 111p (0.27 BEq); ; finished on 2011-06-09
458. **Astounding Science Fiction, November 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-06-12
459. **A Clash of Kings** by George R. R. Martin; 763p (1.86 BEq); ; finished on 2011-06-16
460. **Astounding Science Fiction, December 1940** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-06-26
461. **Astounding Science Fiction, January 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-07-10
462. **Astounding Science Fiction, February 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-07-24
463. **Astounding Science Fiction, March 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-08-07
464. **A Storm of Swords** by George R. R. Martin; 1177p (2.87 BEq); ; finished on 2011-08-17
465. **Astounding Science Fiction, April 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-08-21
466. **Astounding Science Fiction, May 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-09-04
467. **Contact** by Carl Sagan; 579p (1.41 BEq); ; finished on 2011-09-22
468. **Astounding Science Fiction, June 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-10-02
469. **Astounding Science Fiction, July 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-10-16
470. **Astounding Science Fiction, August 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-10-30
471. **Firebird** by Jack McDevitt; 374p (0.91 BEq); ; finished on 2011-11-09
472. **Astounding Science Fiction, September 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-11-13
473. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; 849p (2.07 BEq); ; finished on 2011-11-18
474. **The Green Mile** by Stephen King; 591p (1.44 BEq); ; finished on 2011-11-23
475. **Astounding Science Fiction, October 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-11-27
476. **Astounding Science Fiction, November 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2011-12-25
## 2012
477. **Astounding Science Fiction, December 1941** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-01-08
478. **Astounding Science Fiction, January 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-01-22
479. **A Feast for Crows** by George R. R. Martin; 1062p (2.59 BEq); ; finished on 2012-01-30
480. **Astounding Science Fiction, February 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-02-05
481. **Astounding Science Fiction, March 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-02-19
482. **Astounding Science Fiction, April 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-03-04
483. **Astounding Science Fiction, May 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-03-18
484. **Astounding Science Fiction, June 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-04-01
485. **In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954** by Isaac Asimov; 743p (1.81 BEq); ; finished on 2012-04-24
486. **Astounding Science Fiction, July 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-04-29
487. **Astounding Science Fiction, August 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-05-13
488. **Million Writer Awards** by Jason Sanford; 222p (0.54 BEq); ; finished on 2012-05-15
489. **2312** by Kim Stanley Robinson; 562p (1.37 BEq); ; finished on 2012-05-31
490. **Night Raider (Lone Wolf #1)** by Barry N. Malzberg (as tky Mike Barry); 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2012-06-08
491. **Taft 2012: A Novel** by Jason Heller; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2012-06-26
492. **Redshirts: A Novel with 3 Codas** by John Scalzi; 320p (0.78 BEq); ; finished on 2012-06-27
493. **Full Dark, No Stars** by Stephen King; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2012-07-05
494. **Bag of Bones** by Stephen King; 738p (1.80 BEq); ; finished on 2012-07-10
495. **It** by Stephen King; 1116p (2.72 BEq); ; finished on 2012-07-30
496. **Born Standing Up** by Steve Martin; 205p (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2012-08-01
497. **Downward to the Earth** by Robert Silverberg; 177p (0.43 BEq); ; finished on 2012-08-28
498. **Year's Best Science Fiction, 29th Annual Edition** by Gardner Dozois; 706p (1.72 BEq); ; finished on 2012-08-28
499. **Astounding Science Fiction, September 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-09-17
500. **Astounding Science Fiction, October 1942** by John W. Campbell; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2012-10-01
501. **The Cassandra Project** by Jack McDevitt and Mike Resnick; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2012-10-11
502. **Apollo's Outcasts** by Allen Steele; 312p (0.76 BEq); ; finished on 2012-10-31
## 2013
503. **Bowl of Heaven** by Gregory Benford and Larry Niven; 415p (1.01 BEq); ; finished on 2013-01-13
504. **Impulse** by Steven Gould; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2013-02-01
505. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; 849p (2.07 BEq); ; finished on 2013-02-19
506. **Misery** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-02-23
507. **Gerald's Game** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-03
508. **Hearts in Atlantis** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-08
509. **Red Planet Blues** by Robert J. Sawyer; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-09
510. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-14
511. **Needful Things** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-20
512. **Walden** by Henry David Thoreau; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-21
513. **Salem's Lot** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-25
514. **Goodnight, iPad** by Ann Droid; 33p (0.08 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-28
515. **From A Buick 8** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-03-29
516. **The Tommyknockers** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-04-06
517. **Dreamcatcher** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-04-13
518. **It** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-02
519. **The Human Division** by John Scalzi; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-06
520. **The Man from Mars** by Fred Nadis; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-07
521. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-16
522. **The Shining** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-21
523. **Danse Macabre** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-27
524. **Carrie** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-05-29
525. **Dracula** by Bram Stoker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-02
526. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-04
527. **Joyland** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-05
528. **The Dark Tower, Book 1: The Gunslinger** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-07
529. **The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing of the Three** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-12
530. **The Dark Tower, Book 3: The Wastelands** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-18
531. **The Ocean at the End of the Lane** by Neil Gaiman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-20
532. **The Shining Girls** by Lauren Beukes; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-24
533. **Hard Listening** by Stephen King and Scott Turow and Amy Tan and et. al.; 218p (0.53 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-24
534. **Dolores Claiborne** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-06-27
535. **The Dark Tower, Book 4: Wizard and Glass** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-07-10
536. **The Dark Tower, Book 5: Wolves of the Calla** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-07-26
537. **The Dark Tower, Book 6: Song of Susannah** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-07-30
538. **The Dark Tower, Book 7: The Dark Tower** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-08-07
539. **The Iowa Baseball Confederacy** by W. P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-08-24
540. **Salinger** by David Shields and Shane Salerno; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-09-14
541. **Way Station** by Clifford D. Simak; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-09-19
542. **The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-09-24
543. **Doctor Sleep** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-09-29
544. **The Hunt for Red October** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-10-09
545. **Patriot Games** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-10-17
546. **The Cardinal of the Kremlin** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-10-25
547. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-10-31
548. **The Wind Through the Keyhole** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-05
549. **Starhawk** by Jack McDevitt; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-09
550. **Old Mars** by Gardner Dozois and George R. R. Martin; 488p (1.19 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-10
551. **The Langoliers** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-15
552. **The Library Policeman** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-21
553. **The Sun Dog** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-11-27
554. **Nightmares & Dreamscapes, Volume 1** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-12-04
555. **Everything's Eventual, 5 Dark Tales** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-12-26
556. **The Man in the Black Suit: 4 Dark Tales** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2013-12-27
## 2014
557. **Christine** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-01-08
558. **Work Done for Hire** by Joe Haldeman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-01-16
559. **The Shawshank Redemption** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-01-17
560. **The Body** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-01-24
561. **The Things They Carried** by Tim O'Brien; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-02-02
562. **John Adams** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-02-20
563. **Washington: A Life** by Ron Chernow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-03-13
564. **The Joy of Keeping Score** by Paul Dickson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-02
565. **It** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-03
566. **A Nice Little Place at the North Side** by George F. Will; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-05
567. **The War of Art** by Steven Pressfield; 169p (0.41 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-12
568. **From A Buick 8** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-18
569. **Stories I Only Tell My Friends** by Rob Lowe; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-19
570. **Love Life** by Rob Lowe; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-04-21
571. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-01
572. **Mile 81** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-02
573. **Mr. Mercedes** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-06
574. **Joyland** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-09
575. **The Old Man and the Sea** by Ernest Hemingway; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-09
576. **2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Write More of What You Love** by Rachel Aaron; 66p (0.16 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-13
577. **A Prayer for Owen Meany** by John Irving; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-19
578. **Blue Highways** by William Least-Heat Moon; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-27
579. **The Shawshank Redemption** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-06-29
580. **The Martian** by Andy Weir; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-07-05
581. **Kiss and Make Up** by Gene Simmons; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-07-11
582. **The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Volume 1: Visions of Glory 1874-1932** by William Manchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-08-16
583. **The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Volume 2: Alone 1932-1940** by William Manchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-09-01
584. **The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Volume 3: Defender of the Realm 1940-1965** by William Manchester and Paul Reid; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-09-17
585. **Great Baseball Writing: Sports Illustrated 1954-2004** by Rob Fleder; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-10-05
586. **Ball Four** by Jim Bouton; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-10-17
587. **The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-10-25
588. **The Fellowship of the Ring: The Lord of the Rings, Book 1** by J.R.R. Tolkien; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-11-01
589. **American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer** by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-11-10
590. **Revival** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-11-20
591. **Hope: Entertainer of the Century** by Richard Zoglin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-11-30
592. **Fallen Leaves: Last Words on Life, Love, War, and God** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-12-12
593. **Caesar and Christ: The Story of Civilization, Volume 3** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2014-12-27
## 2015
594. **Fortunately, the Milk** by Neil Gaiman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-02-10
595. **Carrie** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-02-22
596. **Salem's Lot** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-01
597. **The Shining** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-04
598. **Rage** by Stephen King; 132p (0.32 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-05
599. **Night Shift** by Stephen King; 410p (1.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-07
600. **The Longest Road** by Philip Caputo; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-12
601. **Into the Wild** by Jon Krakauer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-14
602. **Where Nobody Knows Your Name: Life in the Minor Leagues of Baseball** by John Feinstein; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-19
603. **The Stand: 1978 edition** by Stephen King; 825p (2.01 BEq); ; finished on 2015-03-22
604. **Coming Home** by Jack McDevitt; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-04-17
605. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-05-20
606. **The Fifth Heart** by Dan Simmons; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-06-01
607. **Finders Keepers** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-06-06
608. **The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt** by Edmund Morris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-06-14
609. **Theodore Rex** by Edmund Morris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-06-25
610. **Colonel Roosevelt** by Edmund Morris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-07-10
611. **Common Sense** by Thomas Paine; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-07-10
612. **Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing** by Judy Blume; 144p (0.35 BEq); ; finished on 2015-07-30
613. **The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism** by Doris Kearns Goodwin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-08-03
614. **Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Question for Transcendent Software** by Scott Rosenberg; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-08-27
615. **Superfudge** by Judy Blume; 193p (0.47 BEq); ; finished on 2015-09-09
616. **The Name of the Wind** by Patrick Rothfuss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-09-10
617. **The Wise Man's Fear** by Patrick Rothfuss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-09-20
618. **Killing Floor: Jack Reacher, Book 1** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-09-22
619. **The World Is My Home** by James A. Michener; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-09-26
620. **David and the Phoenix** by Edward Ormondroyd; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-10-19
621. **A Man on the Moon** by Andrew Chaikin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-10-28
622. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-05
623. **The Dark Tower, Book 1: The Gunslinger** by Stephen King; 230p (0.56 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-08
624. **The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing of the Three** by Stephen King; 464p (1.13 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-13
625. **Danse Macabre** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-23
626. **This Old Man** by Roger Angell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-25
627. **The Dark Tower, Book 3: The Wastelands** by Stephen King; 423p (1.03 BEq); ; finished on 2015-11-29
628. **Sweet and Sour** by Andy Rooney; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-12-11
629. **Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone** by J. K. Rowling; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-12-24
630. **My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business** by Dick Van Dyke; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-12-28
631. **Keep Moving, and Other Tips and Truths About Aging** by Dick Van Dyke; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2015-12-31
## 2016
632. **I Remember Me** by Carl Reiner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-01-01
633. **I Just Remembered** by Carl Reiner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-01-01
634. **This Time Together** by Carol Burnett; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-01-02
635. **Even This I Get to Experience** by Norman Lear; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-01-10
636. **My Happy Days in Hollywood** by Garry Marshall; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-01-17
637. **What's So Funny?** by Tim Conway; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-02-03
638. **The Making of the Atomic Bomb** by Richard Rhodes; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-03-03
639. **No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II** by Doris Kearns Goodwin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-03-14
640. **Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years** by Carl Sandburg; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-04-08
641. **Jefferson and His Time, Vol 1: The Virginian** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-04-15
642. **Jefferson and His Time, Vol 2: Jefferson and the Rights of Man** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-05-05
643. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-05-28
644. **Dreamcatcher** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-06-05
645. **Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution** by Steven Levy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-07-13
646. **Cannibal Queen** by Steven Coonts; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2016-07-17
647. **Steve Jobs** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-08-10
648. **The View from the Cheap Seats** by Neil Gaiman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-08-18
649. **As You Wish** by Cary Elwes; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-08-20
650. **Leonard: My Fifty-Year Relationship with a Remarkable Man** by William Shatner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-08-25
651. **Up Till Now** by William Shatner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-09-20
652. **The Name of the Wind** by Patrick Rothfuss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-10-03
653. **Astounding Science Fiction, November 1942** by John W. Campbell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-10-18
654. **The Wise Man's Fear** by Patrick Rothfuss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-10-26
655. **The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories From My Life** by John Le Carre; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-11-17
656. **Die Trying: Jack Reacher, Book 2** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-11-20
657. **Andy Rooney: 60 Years of Wit and Wisdom** by Andy Rooney; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-12-01
658. **Not That You Asked...** by Andy Rooney; 292p (0.71 BEq); ; finished on 2016-12-08
659. **The Magnolia Story** by Joanna Gaines and Chip Gaines; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-12-16
660. **Eisenhower in War and Peace** by Jean Edward Smith; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-12-23
661. **Born to Run** by Bruce Springsteen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2016-12-29
## 2017
662. **The Princess Diarist** by Carrie Fisher; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-01-02
663. **Born to Run** by Bruce Springsteen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-01-13
664. **Explore/Create: My Life in Pursuit of New Frontiers, Hidden Worlds, and the Creative Spark** by Richard Garriott; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-01-15
665. **Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms, and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-01-28
666. **Pacific: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs, Brutal Dictators, Fading Empires, and the Coming Collision of the World's Superpowers** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-02-07
667. **The Men Who United the States: America's Explorers, Inventors, Eccentrics, and Mavericks, and the Creation of One Nation Indivisible** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-02-15
668. **Outposts: Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-02-24
669. **Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-03-21
670. **Years of Minutes** by Andy Rooney; 525p (1.28 BEq); ; finished on 2017-03-21
671. **Assignment to Hell: The War Against Nazi Germany with Correspondents Walter Cronkite, Andy Rooney, A.J. Liebling, Homer Bigart, and Hal Boyle** by Timothy M. Gay; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-04-14
672. **Reflections: Columns from the L.A. Times** by Al Martinez; 238p (0.58 BEq); ; finished on 2017-04-17
673. **The Cubs Way: The Zen of Building the Best Team In Baseball and Breaking the Curse** by Tom Verducci; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-04-21
674. **Watching Baseball Smarter** by Zack Hample; 197p (0.48 BEq); ; finished on 2017-04-21
675. **The Game: Inside the Secret World of Major League Baseball's Power Brokers** by Jon Pessah; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-04-28
676. **The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, & Beach-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of American's Pastime** by Jason Turbow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-05-02
677. **Triumph and Tragedy in Mudville: A Lifelong Passion in Baseball** by Stephen Jay Gould; 361p (0.88 BEq); ; finished on 2017-05-10
678. **Shoeless Joe** by W. P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-05-11
679. **The Yankee Years** by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-05-16
680. **Red: The Life & Times of a Great American Writer** by Ira Berkow; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2017-05-22
681. **Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution** by Glyn Moody; 345p (0.84 BEq); ; finished on 2017-06-08
682. **Casey Stengel** by Marty Appel; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-06-09
683. **The Firm** by John Grisham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-06-23
684. **Chesapeake** by James A. Michener; 1001p (2.44 BEq); ; finished on 2017-07-05
685. **Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life** by Amy Krouse Rosenthal; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2017-07-09
686. **Cosmos** by Carl Sagan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-07-15
687. **Astrophysics for People in a Hurry** by Neil DeGrasse Tyson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-07-20
688. **Word For Word** by Andy Rooney; 308p (0.75 BEq); ; finished on 2017-08-03
689. **Pale Blue Dot** by Carl Sagan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-08-04
690. **Go, Flight: The Unsung Heroes of Mission Control, 1965-1992** by Rick Houston and Milt Heflin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-08-11
691. **Into That Silent Sea: Trailblazers of the Space Era, 1961-1965** by Francis French and Colin Burgess; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-08-23
692. **In the Shadow of the Moon: A Challenging Journey to Tranquility, 1965-1969** by Francis French and Colin Burgess; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-09-04
693. **Footprints in the Dust:: The Epic Voyages of Apollo, 1969-1975** by Colin Burgess; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-09-11
694. **Bold They Rise: The Space Shuttle Early Years, 1972-1986** by David Hitt and Heather R. Smith; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-09-20
695. **Wheels Stop: The Tragedies and Triumphs of the Space Shuttle Program, 1986-2011** by Rick Houston; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-10-06
696. **The Dead Zone** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-10-15
697. **The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-10-20
698. **Leonardo da Vinci** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-10-26
699. **The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-10-29
700. **Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World** by Jack Weatherford; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-02
701. **Paper: Paging Through History** by Mark Kurlansky; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-06
702. **The Map That Changed The World: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-09
703. **The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit** by Michael Finkel; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-10
704. **The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon** by David Grimm; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-12
705. **Walden on Wheels: On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom** by Ken Ilgunas; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-15
706. **1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus** by Charles C. Mann; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-19
707. **Coming into the Country** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-23
708. **Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-26
709. **Marco Polo** by Laurence Bergreen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-11-29
710. **Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty** by Charles Leerhsen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-03
711. **Uncommon Carriers** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-04
712. **Fall From Grace: The Truth and Tragedy of Shoeless Joe Jackson** by Tim Hornbaker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-05
713. **Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption** by Laura Hillenbrand; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-08
714. **Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage** by Alfred Lansing; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-12
715. **A Christmas Carol** by Charles Dickens; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-15
716. **Jacob T. Marley** by R. William Bennett; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-16
717. **The Worst Journey in the World** by Apsley Cherry-Garrard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-20
718. **A Good Life: Newspapering and Other Adventures** by Ben Bradlee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-23
719. **The Long Haul: A Truckers Tales of Life on the Road** by Finn Murphy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2017-12-26
## 2018
720. **11/22/63** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-01-06
721. **Essays of E. B. White** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-01-10
722. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-01-13
723. **Pilgrim at Tinker Creek** by Annie Dillard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-01-19
724. **Grant** by Ron Chernow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-01-29
725. **The Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1** by Mark Twain; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-03
726. **The Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 2** by Mark Twain; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-07
727. **The Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 3** by Mark Twain; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-10
728. **Tripwire: Jack Reacher, Book 3** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-12
729. **Running Blind: Jack Reacher, Book 4** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-14
730. **Echo Burning: Jack Reacher, Book 5** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-17
731. **Without Fail: Jack Reacher, Book 6** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-19
732. **Persuader: Jack Reacher, Book 7** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-23
733. **The Enemy: Jack Reacher, Book 8** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-25
734. **One Shot: Jack Reacher, Book 9** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-02-27
735. **The Hard Way: Jack Reacher, Book 10** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-02
736. **Bad Luck and Trouble: Jack Reacher, Book 11** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-05
737. **Nothing to Lose: Jack Reacher, Book 12** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-07
738. **Gone Tomorrow: Jack Reacher, Book 13** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-09
739. **Red Smith: On Baseball** by Red Smith; 349p (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-10
740. **61 Hours: Jack Reacher, Book 14** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-11
741. **Worth Dying For: Jack Reacher, Book 15** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-12
742. **The Affair: Jack Reacher, Book 16** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-16
743. **A Wanted Man: Jack Reacher, Book 17** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-19
744. **Never Go Back, Jack Reacher, Book 18** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-22
745. **Personal: Jack Reacher, Book 19** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-24
746. **Make Me: Jack Reacher, Book 20** by Lee Child and W. P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-03-28
747. **Night School: Jack Reacher, Book 21** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-01
748. **John Quincy Adams: American Visionary** by Fred Kaplan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-07
749. **The Education of Henry Adams** by Henry Adams; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-10
750. **Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-15
751. **The Meaning of Everything: The Making of the Oxford English Dictionary** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-21
752. **The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World** by A. J. Jacobs; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-23
753. **Classic Krakauer** by Jon Krakauer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-24
754. **Rocket Men: The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the Astronauts Who Made Man's First Journey to the Moon** by Robert Kurson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-26
755. **The Interstellar Age: Inside the Forty-Year Voyage Mission** by Jim Bell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-04-27
756. **The Right Stuff** by Tom Wolfe; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-01
757. **In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives** by Steven Levy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-04
758. **Letters to a Young Scientist** by Edward O. Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-06
759. **Brave Companions: Portraits in History** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-08
760. **The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-09
761. **The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs: A New History of the Lost World** by Steve Brusatte; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-12
762. **Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--And Why Things Are Better Than You Think** by Hans Rosling; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-14
763. **Titan: The Life of John D. Rockerfeller, Sr.** by Ron Chernow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-20
764. **The Sweet Science** by A. J. Liebling; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-21
765. **The Outsider** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-24
766. **Irons in the Fire** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-25
767. **Pet Sematary** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-28
768. **The Exorcist** by William Peter Blatty; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-30
769. **The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing** by Norman Mailer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-05-31
770. **Call for the Dead** by John Le Carre; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-02
771. **The Dark Tower, Book 1: The Gunslinger** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-03
772. **The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing of the Three** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-04
773. **The Dark Tower, Book 3: The Wastelands** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-07
774. **The Dark Tower, Book 4: Wizard and Glass** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-10
775. **Charles Kuralt's America** by Charles Kuralt; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-13
776. **See You On the Radio** by Charles Osgood; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-14
777. **Travels with Charley** by John Steinbeck; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-15
778. **The Age of Faith: The Story of Civilization, Volume 4** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-22
779. **Fallen Leaves: Last Words on Life, Love, War, and God** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-23
780. **A Life on the Road** by Charles Kuralt; 337p (0.82 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-24
781. **Sailing Alone Around the World** by Joshua Slocum; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-06-25
782. **The Sum of All Fears** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-02
783. **The Longest Road** by Philip Caputo; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-07
784. **A Rumor of War** by Philip Caputo; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-09
785. **Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West** by Stephen E. Ambrose; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-12
786. **Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and the Wickedest Town in the American West** by Tom Clavin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-13
787. **Braving It:: A Father, A Daughter, and an Unforgettable Journey into the Alaskan Wild** by James Campbell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-15
788. **The Final Frontiersman: Heimo Korth and His Family Alone in Alaska's Arctic Wilderness** by James Campbell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-17
789. **The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels** by Jon Meacham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-18
790. **The Testament of Mary** by Colm Toibin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-18
791. **The Age of Eisenhower: American and the World in the 1950s** by William I. Hitchcock; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-23
792. **The Midnight Line: Jack Reacher, Book 22** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-26
793. **Sixty: A Diary of My Sixty-First Year** by Ian Brown; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-07-30
794. **White House Diary** by Jimmy Carter; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-03
795. **Reagan: The Life** by H. W. Brands; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-10
796. **A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety** by Jimmy Carter; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-11
797. **My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues** by Pamela Paul; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-19
798. **My Life** by Bill Clinton; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-23
799. **Jefferson the President, First Term 1801-1805** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-24
800. **Jefferson the President, Second Term 1805-1809** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-27
801. **The Sage of Monticello** by Dumas Malone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-08-30
802. **Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson: The Life of Dumas Malone** by William C. Hyland and William C. Hyland Jr.; 324p (0.79 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-04
803. **Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson** by Gordon S. Wood; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-05
804. **Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs** by Ken Kocienda; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-14
805. **Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer That Changed Everything** by Steven Levy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-16
806. **The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA** by James D. Watson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-23
807. **Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Ambraham Lincoln** by Doris Kearns Goodwin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-09-29
808. **Basin and Range (Annals of the Former World)** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-04
809. **Leadership in Turbulent Times** by Doris Kearns Goodwin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-06
810. **The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business** by Charles Duhigg; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-07
811. **The Fifties** by David Halberstam; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-12
812. **The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-13
813. **Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time** by Mark Adams; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-14
814. **The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit** by Sloan Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-15
815. **The Colorado Kid** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-16
816. **The Library Book** by Susan Orlean; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-17
817. **The World Without Us** by Alan Weisman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-18
818. **Tip of the Iceberg: My 3,000-Mile Journey Around Wild Alaska, the Last Great American Frontier** by Mark Adams; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-19
819. **It** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-26
820. **Rush: Revolution, Madness, and the Visionary Doctor Who Became a Founding Father** by Stephen Fried; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-29
821. **Elevation** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-30
822. **Atlas of a Lost World: Travels in Ice Age America** by Craig Childs; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-10-31
823. **Origin Story: A Big History of Everything** by David Christian; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-03
824. **Past Tense: Jack Reacher, Book 23** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-05
825. **Calico Joe** by John Grisham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-06
826. **No Country for Old Men** by Cormac McCarthy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-10
827. **All Quiet on the Western Front** by Erich Maria Remarque; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-11
828. **Make Me: Jack Reacher, Book 20** by Lee Child and W. P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-13
829. **The Patch** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-14
830. **Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship** by Jon Meacham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-17
831. **Bazaar of Bad Dreams** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-20
832. **Sailor and Fiddler: Reflections of a 100-Year-Old Author** by Herman Wouk; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-20
833. **The Great War and Modern Memory** by Paul Fussell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-24
834. **The Hobbit** by J. R. R. Tolkien; 625 min (0.75 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-25
835. **Everything's Eventual** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-26
836. **Just After Sunset** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-27
837. **Nightmares and Dreamscapes** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-11-29
838. **Skeleton Crew** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-01
839. **Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World** by Stephen King and Cal Newport; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-03
840. **Four Past Midnight** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-06
841. **Hearts in Atlantis** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-09
842. **The Bullet Journal Method** by Ryder Carroll; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-09
843. **Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush** by Jon Meacham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-15
844. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-20
845. **E. B. White On Dogs** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-23
846. **Searching for Stars on an Island in Maine** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-23
847. **Bing Crosby: Swinging on a Star: The War Years, 1940-1946** by Gary Giddins; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-24
848. **Einstein's Dreams** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-26
849. **Will and Ariel Durant: A Dual Autobiography** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; 419p (1.02 BEq); ; finished on 2018-12-31
## 2019
850. **The Renaissance** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-04
851. **Blood, Sweat, and Pixels:: The Triumphant, Turbulant Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made** by Jason Schreier; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-05
852. **Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind** by Yuval Noah Harari; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-12
853. **Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness** by Sy Montgomery; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-21
854. **Essays of E. B. White** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-25
855. **The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War** by Ben Macintyre; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-01-28
856. **Henry David Thoreau: A Life** by Laura Dassow Walls; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-03
857. **Walking** by Henry David Thoreau; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-04
858. **Code Talker: The First and Only Memoir By One of the Original Navajo Code Talkers of WWII** by Chester Nez; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-04
859. **Wild Bill: The True Story of the American Frontier's First Gunfighter** by Tom Clavin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-06
860. **Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster** by Jon Krakauer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-07
861. **Growing Up** by Russell Baker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-08
862. **The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers** by Maxwell King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-11
863. **The Stephen King Companion: Four Decades of Fear from the Master of Horror** by George Beahm; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-14
864. **Insomnia** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-17
865. **Lisey's Story** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-19
866. **Duma Key** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-21
867. **The Green Mile** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-22
868. **Doctor Sleep** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-24
869. **Revival** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-02-27
870. **The Dark Man** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-03
871. **Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge** by Edward O. Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-05
872. **Teacher Man** by Frank McCourt; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-11
873. **1776** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-14
874. **Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World** by Stephen King and Cal Newport; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-15
875. **The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-18
876. **John Adams** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-03-28
877. **Coders: The Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World** by Clive Thompson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-01
878. **Fire in the Valley: The Birth and Death of the Personal Computer** by Michael Swaine and Paul Freiberger; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-07
879. **American Moonshot: John F. Kennedy and the Great Space Race** by Douglas Brinkley; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-10
880. **Working: Researching Interviewing, Writing** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-11
881. **The Path to Power** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-17
882. **The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation** by Jon Gertner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-20
883. **The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind** by Julian Jaynes; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-27
884. **The Dragons of Eden** by Carl Sagan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-29
885. **White** by Bret Easton Ellis; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-04-30
886. **Horizon** by Barry Lopez; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-06
887. **Arctic Dreams** by Barry Lopez; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-08
888. **The Pioneers** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-10
889. **The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-11
890. **This Noble Land: My Vision for America** by James A. Michener; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-13
891. **A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney** by Andy Rooney; 246p (0.60 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-15
892. **And More with Andy Rooney** by Andy Rooney; 242p (0.59 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-17
893. **Pieces of My Mind** by Andy Rooney; 255p (0.62 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-22
894. **Killing Floor: Jack Reacher, Book 1** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-25
895. **Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors** by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-05-27
896. **Means of Ascent: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol. 2** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-07
897. **Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Digital World** by Cal Newport; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-08
898. **Some Remarks: Essays and Other Writing** by Neal Stephenson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-08
899. **On Democracy** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-17
900. **One Giant Leap: The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon** by Charles Fishman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-24
901. **Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World** by David Epstein; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-27
902. **The Map of Knowledge: How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found: A History in Seven Cities** by Violet Moller; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-27
903. **No Cheering in the Press Box** by Jerome Holtzman; 365p (0.89 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-29
904. **Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls** by Lauren Graham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-06-30
905. **Safely to the Earth: The Men and Women Who Brought the Astronauts Home** by Jack Clemons; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-01
906. **The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency** by Chris Whipple; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-02
907. **Decision Points** by George W. Bush; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-06
908. **Red Rabbit** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-09
909. **For the Good of the Game: The Inside Story of the Surprising and Dramatic Transformation of Major League Baseball** by Bud Selig; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-12
910. **Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed** by Ben Rich; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-14
911. **The Making of a Justice: Reflections on My First 94 Years** by John Paul Stevens; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-07-18
912. **The Dark Tower, Book 5: Wolves of the Calla** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-08-07
913. **The Destiny Thief: Essays on Writing, Writers and Life** by Richard Russo; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-08-09
914. **Empire Falls** by Richard Russo; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-08-15
915. **84 Charing Cross Road** by Helene Hanff; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-08-24
916. **Ongoingness: The End of a Diary** by Sarah Manguso; 103p (0.25 BEq); ; finished on 2019-08-25
917. **Spying on the South: An Odyssey Across the American Divide** by Tony Horwitz; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-01
918. **The Log from the Sea of Cortez** by John Steinbeck; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-10
919. **The Institute** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-13
920. **The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-13
921. **Heroes of History** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-15
922. **The Lessons of History** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-15
923. **The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator** by Timothy C. Winegard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-21
924. **On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-23
925. **The Calculating Stars** by Mary Robinette Kowal; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-09-28
926. **The Spy Who Came in from the Cold** by John le Carre; 413 min (0.50 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-02
927. **The Cold Dish: Walt Longmire, Book 1** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-05
928. **Death Without Company: Walt Longmire, Book2** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-07
929. **Kindness Goes Unpunished: Walt Longmire, Book 3** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-07
930. **Letters from an Astrophysicist** by Neil deGrasse Tyson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-08
931. **Another Man's Moccasins: Walt Longmire, Book 4** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-10
932. **The Dark Horse: Walt Longmire, Book 5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-13
933. **Junkyard Dogs: Walt Longmire, Book 6** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-15
934. **Hell Is Empty: Walt Longmire, Book 7** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-17
935. **As the Crow Flies: Walt Longmire, Book 8** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-20
936. **A Serpent's Tooth: Walt Longmire, Book 9** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-23
937. **Edison** by Edmund Morris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-29
938. **Blue Moon, Jack Reacher book 24** by Lee Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-10-30
939. **Any Other Name: Walt Longmire, Book 10** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-03
940. **Wait for Signs: Walt Longmire, Book 10.5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-04
941. **Dry Bones: Walt Longmire, Book 11** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-07
942. **Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold to Middle-Earth** by John Garth; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-09
943. **The Fellowship of the Ring: The Lord of the Rings, Book 1** by J.R.R. Tolkien; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-12
944. **The Founding Fish** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-13
945. **The Highwayman: Walt Longmire, Book 11.5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-15
946. **An Obvious Fact: Walt Longmire, Book 12** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-17
947. **Silk Parachute** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-18
948. **The Western Star: Walt Longmire, Book 13** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-19
949. **Depth of Winter: Walt Longmire, Book 14** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-20
950. **Land of Wolves: Walt Longmire, Book 15** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-21
951. **Becoming Dr. Seuss: Theodor Geisel and the Making of an American Imagination** by Brian Jay Jones; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-24
952. **The Spirit of Steamboat: Walt Longmire, Book 9.5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-25
953. **Common Nonsense** by Andy Rooney; 365p (0.89 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-25
954. **Sincerely, Andy Rooney** by Andy Rooney; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-28
955. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-11-30
956. **Out of My Mind** by Andy Rooney; 353p (0.86 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-06
957. **An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943** by Rick Atkinson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-10
958. **Essays of E. B. White** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-11
959. **Disney's Land: Walt Disney and the Invention of the Amusment Park that Changes the World** by Richard Snow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-14
960. **The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944** by Rick Atkinson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-20
961. **The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company** by Robert Iger; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-26
962. **George Lucas: A Life** by Brian Jay Jones; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2019-12-29
## 2020
963. **Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-Earth** by Ian Nathan; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-01
964. **Outliers: The Story of Success** by Malcolm Gladwell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-03
965. **Exhilation: Stories** by Ted Chaing; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-10
966. **Consider This: The Moments in My Writing Life After Which Everything Was Different** by Chuck Palahniuk; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-10
967. **Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-10
968. **The Second John McPhee Reader, Book One** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-12
969. **The Second John McPhee Reader, Book Two** by John McPhee; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-14
970. **You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters** by Kate Murphy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-17
971. **The Pine Barrens** by John McPhee; 156p (0.38 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-18
972. **The Survival of the Bark Canoe** by John McPhee; 160p (0.39 BEq); ; finished on 2020-01-20
973. **Table of Contents** by John McPhee; 304p (0.74 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-05
974. **Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey Into the Heart of America** by James Fallows and Deborah Fallows; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-17
975. **The American Story: Conversations with Master Historians** by David M. Rubenstein; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-18
976. **Author In Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote** by Craig Fehrman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-20
977. **Citizen Reporter: S.S. McLure, Ida Tarbell, and the Magazine That Rewrote America** by Stephanie Gorton; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-22
978. **747: Creating the World's First Jumbo Jet and Other Adventures in Aviation** by Joe Sutter; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-02-24
979. **Facebook: The Inside Story** by Steven Levy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-03-05
980. **Alexander Hamilton** by Ron Chernow; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-03-15
981. **John Adams Under Fire: The Founding Father's Fight for Justice in the Boston Massacre Murder Trial** by Dan Abrams and Roger Wayne; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-03-19
982. **The Decadent Society: How We Became Victims of Our Own Success** by Ross Douthat; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-03-23
983. **If It Bleeds** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-04-26
984. **End of Watch** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-04-30
985. **Camino Island** by John Grisham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-01
986. **The Black Echo, Harry Bosch #1** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-02
987. **The Black Ice** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-03
988. **Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot** by Mark Vanhoenacker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-04
989. **Over Time: My Life as a Sportswriter** by Frank Deford; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-05
990. **The Concrete Blonde** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-06
991. **The Last Coyote** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-08
992. **The Poet** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-09
993. **The Thrill of the Grass** by W. P. Kinsella and W.P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-10
994. **The Dixon Cornbelt League and Other Baseball Stories** by W.P. Kinsella; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-10
995. **The Old Ball Game: How John McGraw, Christy Matthewson and the New York Giants Created Modern Baseball** by Frank Deford; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-11
996. **Yogi: A Life Behind the Mask** by Jon Pessah; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-12
997. **The Colorado Kid** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-13
998. **The Natural** by Bernard Malamud; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-14
999. **The Dark Tower, Book 6: Song of Susannah** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-15
1000. **The Dark Tower, Book 7: The Dark Tower** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-18
1001. **The Reformation** by Will Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-23
1002. **Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe** by Brian Greene; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-26
1003. **The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos** by Brian Greene; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-05-30
1004. **Naturalist** by Edward O. Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-05
1005. **Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers** by Tim Ferriss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-08
1006. **On the Shortness of Life** by Seneca; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-08
1007. **John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit** by James Traub; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-13
1008. **Daily Rituals: How Artists Work** by Mason Currey; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-14
1009. **The Old Man** by Thomas Perry; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-16
1010. **Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World** by Tim Ferriss; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-23
1011. **Man's Search for Meaning** by Viktor E. Frankl; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-06-24
1012. **My Anecdotal Life: A Memoir** by Carl Reiner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-06
1013. **I Remember Me** by Carl Reiner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-08
1014. **I Just Remembered** by Carl Reiner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-10
1015. **How the Mind Works** by Steven Pinker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-14
1016. **The Cold Dish: Walt Longmire, Book 1** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-22
1017. **Death Without Company: Walt Longmire, Book2** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-25
1018. **Kindness Goes Unpunished: Walt Longmire, Book 3** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-25
1019. **Another Man's Moccasins: Walt Longmire, Book 4** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-27
1020. **The Dark Horse: Walt Longmire, Book 5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-07-29
1021. **Junkyard Dogs: Walt Longmire, Book 6** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-01
1022. **Hell Is Empty: Walt Longmire, Book 7** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-02
1023. **As the Crow Flies: Walt Longmire, Book 8** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-03
1024. **A Serpent's Tooth: Walt Longmire, Book 9** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-06
1025. **Any Other Name: Walt Longmire, Book 10** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-07
1026. **Wait for Signs: Walt Longmire, Book 10.5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-09
1027. **Dry Bones: Walt Longmire, Book 11** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-12
1028. **An Obvious Fact: Walt Longmire, Book 12** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-15
1029. **The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency** by John Dickerson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-27
1030. **Tales from the Ant World** by Edward O. Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-08-29
1031. **The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History** by John M. Barry; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-09-12
1032. **The Alice Behind Wonderland** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-09-16
1033. **The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-09-21
1034. **Next to Last Stand, Longmire Book 16** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-09-24
1035. **The Wright Brothers** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-09-26
1036. **The Age of Reason Begins: The Story of Civilization, Volume 7** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-03
1037. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-06
1038. **Is This Anything?** by Jerry Seinfeld; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-08
1039. **The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan Sontag** by Peter Burke; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-09
1040. **The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-11
1041. **Cubed: The Puzzle of All of Us** by Erno Rubik; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-14
1042. **Truman** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-21
1043. **The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low** by Richard Jurek; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-10-25
1044. **Chariots for Apollo: The NASA History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft to 1969** by Courtney G. Brooks and James M. Grimwood and Loyd S. Swenson Jr.; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-01
1045. **Essays of E. B. White** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-12
1046. **Master of the Senate** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-14
1047. **Into the Black: The Extraordinary Untold Story of the First Flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia and the Astronauts Who Flew Her** by Rowland White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-15
1048. **The Way of Kings: Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive** by Brandon Sanderson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-22
1049. **Words of Radiance: Book 2 of the Stormlight Archive** by Brandon Sanderson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-11-30
1050. **Edgedancer** by Brandon Sanderson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2020-12-01
## 2021
1051. **Oathbringer: Book 3 of the Stormlight Archive** by Brandon Sanderson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-01-02
1052. **The Sentinel** by Lee Child and Andrew Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-01-03
1053. **Land** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-01-23
1054. **Creativity, Inc: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration** by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-01-25
1055. **Walt Disney: Triumph of the American Imagination** by Neal Gabler; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-13
1056. **Probably Impossibilities: Musings on Beginnings and Endings** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-13
1057. **In Praise of Wasting Time** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-14
1058. **When Einstein Walked with Gódel: Excursioins to the Edge of Thought** by Jim Holt; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-16
1059. **Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything** by Joshua Foer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-17
1060. **Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes** by Ira Rosen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-19
1061. **The Great Railway Bazaar** by Paul Theroux; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-21
1062. **Figures in a Landscape: People and Places** by Paul Theroux; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-24
1063. **Sunrise with Seamonsters** by Paul Theroux; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-02-28
1064. **From Earth To Heaven: F&SF Essays #5** by Isaac Asimov; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-01
1065. **Later** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-02
1066. **Fresh Air Fiend: Travel Writing** by Paul Theroux; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-06
1067. **The Old Patagonian Express: By Train Through the Americas** by Paul Theroux; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-11
1068. **The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-15
1069. **The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-16
1070. **A Sense of the Mysterious: Science and the Human Spirit** by Alan Lightman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-16
1071. **The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood** by James Gleick; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-20
1072. **Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution** by Steven Levy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-26
1073. **Working In Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software** by Nadia Eghbal; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-27
1074. **The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-28
1075. **UNIX: A History and a Memoir** by Brian W. Kernighan; 185p (0.45 BEq); ; finished on 2021-03-31
1076. **A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age** by Jimmi Soni; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-03
1077. **A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload** by Cal Newport; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-05
1078. **Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe** by George Dyson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-05
1079. **Alan Turing: The Enigma** by Andrew Hodges; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-19
1080. **Where the Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Intnernet** by Katie Hafner; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-23
1081. **The Soul of a New Machine** by Tracy Kidder; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-04-27
1082. **The Dream Machine: J.C.R. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal** by Waldrop M. Mitchell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-10
1083. **Project Hail Mary** by Andy Weir; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-14
1084. **Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry** by Jason Schreier; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-19
1085. **Bag of Bones** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-26
1086. **Trunk Music: Harry Bosch #5** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-29
1087. **Blood Work** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-30
1088. **Doctor Sleep** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-05-31
1089. **Angel's Flight: Harry Bosch #6** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-01
1090. **The Cold Dish: Walt Longmire, Book 1** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-05
1091. **Death Without Company: Walt Longmire, Book2** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-07
1092. **Kindness Goes Unpunished: Walt Longmire, Book 3** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-09
1093. **Another Man's Moccasins: Walt Longmire, Book 4** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-12
1094. **The Dark Horse: Walt Longmire, Book 5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-06-17
1095. **What I Talk About When I Talk About Running** by Haruiki Murakami; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-07-07
1096. **The Art of Learning: A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence** by Josh Waitzkin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-07-11
1097. **Billy Summers** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-08-07
1098. **Theft By Finding: Diaries 1977-2002** by David Sedaris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-08-14
1099. **The Civil War, Vol 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville** by Shelby Foote; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-08-22
1100. **This is How You Lose the Time War** by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-08-23
1101. **The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways** by Earl Swift; 386p (0.94 BEq); ; finished on 2021-08-27
1102. **Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals** by Oliver Burkeman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-03
1103. **When Brains Dream: Exploring the Science and Mystery of Sleep** by Antonio Zadra and Robert Stickgold; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-07
1104. **Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Political Life** by Robert Dallek; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-21
1105. **Daughter of the Morning Star, Walt Longmire Book 17** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-22
1106. **Notre-Dame: A Short History of the Meaning of Cathedrals** by Ken Follett; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-22
1107. **Travels with George: In Search of Washington and HIs Legacy** by Nathaniel Philbrick; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-25
1108. **One Summer: America, 1927** by Bill Bryson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-09-29
1109. **The Last American Aristocrat: The Brilliant Life and Improbable Education of Henry Adams** by David S. Brown; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-04
1110. **The Baseball 100** by Joe Posnanski; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-14
1111. **The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family** by Ron Howard and Clint Howard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-16
1112. **The Big Fella: Babe Ruth and the World He Created** by Jane Leavy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-26
1113. **Better Off Dead: Jack Reacher, Book 26** by Lee Child and Andrew Child; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-27
1114. **100 Things We've Lost to the Internet** by Pamela Paul; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-28
1115. **Browsings: A Year of Reading, Collecting and Living with Books** by Michael Dirda; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-29
1116. **Shadow of the Torturer** by Gene Wolfe; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-10-31
1117. **Claw of the Conciliator** by Gene Wolfe; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-11-01
1118. **The Glory of Their Times: The Story of the Early Days of Baseball Told tky the Men Who Played It** by Lawrence S. Ritter; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-11-01
1119. **Rhythm of War: Book 4 of the Stormlight Archive** by Brandon Sanderson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-11-08
1120. **The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August** by Claire North; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-11-10
1121. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-11-30
1122. **Lost Cities, Ancient Tombs: 100 Discoveries That Changed the World** by Ann R. Williams; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-06
1123. **Atlantic: The Biography of an Ocean** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-09
1124. **The End of the River** by Simon Winchester; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-09
1125. **Life Itself** by Roger Ebert; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-18
1126. **Dracula** by Bram Stoker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-21
1127. **All About Me! My Remarkable Life In Show Business** by Mel Brooks; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-24
1128. **My Dad's Funnier Than Your Dad: Growing Up with Tim Conway in the Funniest House in America** by Kelly Conway; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-25
1129. **Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing** by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum; 369p (0.90 BEq); ; finished on 2021-12-28
## 2022
1130. **United States: Essays, 1952-1992** by Gore Vidal; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-01-15
1131. **Scientist: E. O. Wilson, A Life in Nature** by Richard Rhodes; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-01-16
1132. **On Human Nature** by Edward O. Wilson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-01-17
1133. **We Are the Nerds: The Birth and Tumultous Life of Reddit, the Internet's Culture Laboratory** by Christine Lagorio-Chafkin; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-01-25
1134. **The Pleasure of Finding Things Out** by Richard P. Feynman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-01-29
1135. **The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Vol 4** by Robert A. Caro; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-07
1136. **How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers** by Sönke Ahrens; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-08
1137. **The Founders' Fortunes: How Money Shaped the Birth of America** by Willard Sterne Randall; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-12
1138. **The Hunt for Red October** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-18
1139. **Patriot Games** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-20
1140. **The Cardinal of the Kremlin** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-22
1141. **Clear and Present Danger** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-25
1142. **The Sum of All Fears** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-02-28
1143. **The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John von Neumann** by Ananyo Bhattacharya; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-03-03
1144. **Analogia: The Emergence of Technology Beyond Programmable Control** by George Dyson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-03-06
1145. **The Rising Sun: The Decline & Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-45** by John Toland; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-03-15
1146. **The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany** by William L. Shirer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-03-25
1147. **Twentieth Century Journey: The Start: 1904-1930** by William L. Shirer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-03-30
1148. **Twentieth Century Journey: The Nightmare Years, 1930-1940** by William L. Shirer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-04
1149. **Twentieth Century Journey: A Native's Return, 1945-1988** by William L. Shirer; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-08
1150. **The Trials of Harry S. Truman: The Extraordinary Presidency of an Ordinary Man, 1945-1953** by Jeffrey Frank; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-09
1151. **The Joy of x: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity** by Steven H. Strogatz; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-09
1152. **Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt** by H. W. Brands; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-18
1153. **George Marshall: Defender of the Republic** by David L. Roll; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-25
1154. **Chasing History: A Kid in the Newsroom** by Carl Bernstein; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-04-27
1155. **John le Carré: The Biography** by Adam Sisman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-04
1156. **The Hawk's Way: Encounters with Fierce Beauty** by Sy Montgomery; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-04
1157. **All the President's Men** by Bob Woodward and Carl Burnstein; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-07
1158. **A Darkness More Than Night: Harry Bosch #7** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-08
1159. **City of Bones** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-09
1160. **Lost Light** by Michael Connelly; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-10
1161. **Never Panic Early: An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Journey** by Fred Haise; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-12
1162. **Sea of Tranquility** by Emily St. John Mandel; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-13
1163. **The Age of Louis XIV: The Story of Civilization, Volume 8** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-17
1164. **The Age of Voltaire: The Story of Civilization, Volume 9** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-22
1165. **This Old Man: All In Pieces** by Roger Angell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-26
1166. **The Dogs of Christmas** by W. Bruce Cameron; 234p (0.57 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-26
1167. **The Gunslinger** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-05-31
1168. **The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing of the Three** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-02
1169. **The Dark Tower, Book 3: The Waste Lands** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-04
1170. **The Dark Tower, Book 4: Wizard and Glass** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-09
1171. **The Dark Tower, Book 5: Wolves of the Calla** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-13
1172. **The Dark Tower, Book 6: Song of Susannah** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-16
1173. **Adventures in the Screen Trade** by William Goldman; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-27
1174. **The Office BFFs: Tales of the Office from Two Best Friends Who Were There** by Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-06-29
1175. **Philosophy of Sailing: Offshore in Search of the Universe** by Christian Williams; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-07-05
1176. **The Church of Baseball: The Making of Bull Durham: Home Runs, Bad Calls, Crazy Fights, Big Swings, and a Hit** by Ron Shelton; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-07-10
1177. **A Place to Read: Life and Books** by Michael Cohen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-07-13
1178. **And Other Essays** by Michael Cohen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-07-15
1179. **Imagine a City: A Pilot's Journal Across the Urban World** by Mark Vanhoenacker; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-07-31
1180. **A Carnival of Snackery: Diaries 2003-2020** by David Sedaris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-06
1181. **The Diary of a Bookseller** by Shaun Bythell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-08
1182. **Confessions of a Bookseller** by Shaun Bythell; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-10
1183. **The Johnstown Flood** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-12
1184. **Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life, and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-18
1185. **The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914** by David McCullough; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-08-28
1186. **This Living Hand: Essays, 1972-2012** by Edmund Morris; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-03
1187. **A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books** by Nicholas A. Basbanes; 640p (1.56 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-06
1188. **Making History: The Storytellers Who Shaped the Past** by Richard Cohen; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-08
1189. **The Club: Johnson, Boswell, and the Friends Who Shaped an Age** by Leo Damrosch; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-12
1190. **Hell and Back: Walt Longmire, Book 18** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-14
1191. **The Cold Dish: Walt Longmire, Book 1** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-18
1192. **Death Without Company: Walt Longmire, Book2** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-20
1193. **Kindness Goes Unpunished: Walt Longmire, Book 3** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-21
1194. **Another Man's Moccasins: Walt Longmire, Book 4** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-22
1195. **The Dark Horse: Walt Longmire, Book 5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-24
1196. **Junkyard Dogs: Walt Longmire, Book 6** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-25
1197. **Hell Is Empty: Walt Longmire, Book 7** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-27
1198. **Wait for Signs: Walt Longmire, Book 10.5** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-27
1199. **As the Crow Flies: Walt Longmire, Book 8** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-09-29
1200. **A Serpent's Tooth: Walt Longmire, Book 9** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-03
1201. **Any Other Name: Walt Longmire, Book 10** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-05
1202. **Dry Bones: Walt Longmire, Book 11** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-06
1203. **An Obvious Fact: Walt Longmire, Book 12** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-09
1204. **The Western Star: Walt Longmire, Book 13** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-11
1205. **Depth of Winter: Walt Longmire, Book 14** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-13
1206. **Land of Wolves: Walt Longmire, Book 15** by Craig Johnson; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-16
1207. **River of Gods: Genius, Courage, Betrayal in the Search for the Source of the Nille** by Candice Millard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-18
1208. **Destiny of the Republic: A tale of madness, medicine and the murder of a president** by Candice Millard; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-21
1209. **And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle** by Jon Meacham; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-23
1210. **The Hopkins Touch: Harry Hopkins and the Forging of the Alliance to Defeat Hitler** by David L. Roll; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-10-28
1211. **Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox, 1882-1940** by James MacGregor Burns; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-01
1212. **Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom, 1940-1945** by James MacGregor Burns; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-07
1213. **Eversion** by Alastair Reynolds; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-08
1214. **Remarkable Diaries: The World's Greatest Diaries, Notebooks, and Letters Explored and Explained** by DK Publishing; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-10
1215. **Consider the Lobster and Other Essays** by David Foster Wallace; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-11
1216. **A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments** by David Foster Wallace; None min (0.00 BEq); ; finished on 2022-11-14
1217. **Both Flesh and Not: Essays** by David Foster Wallace; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-11-16
1218. **Moby-Dick** by Herman Melville; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-11-20
1219. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-11-23
1220. **Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman** by Alan Rickman; None min (0.00 BEq); Pelham, NY; finished on 2022-11-26
1221. **Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death** by Nick Lane; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-12-05
1222. **Chaos: Making a New Science** by James Gleick; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-12-08
1223. **Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality** by Max Tegmark; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-12-11
1224. **Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence** by Max Tegmark; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2022-12-16
1225. **You Are Not Expected To Understand This: How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World** by Torie Bosch; None min (0.00 BEq); Driving I-95 to Florida; finished on 2022-12-17
1226. **The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning and the Universe Itself** by Sean Carroll; None min (0.00 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2022-12-28
1227. **The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company** by Robert Iger; None min (0.00 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2022-12-20
1228. **DisneyWar** by James R. Stewert; None min (0.00 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2022-12-27
1229. **Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind** by Yuval Noah Harari; None min (0.00 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2022-12-30
## 2023
1230. **Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow** by Yuval Noah Harari; None min (0.00 BEq); Walt Disney World; finished on 2023-01-06
1231. **Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies** by Nick Bostrom; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-01-14
1232. **The Engines of God** by Jack McDevitt; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-01-18
1233. **The Last Man Who Knew Everything: The Life and Times of Enrico Fermi, Father of the Nuclear Age** by David N. Schwartz; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-01-22
1234. **The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom** by Graham Farmelo; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-01-26
1235. **The Quantum Labyrinth: How Richard Feynman and John Wheeler Revolutionized Time and Reality** by Paul Helpern; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-01-31
1236. **Debt of Honor** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-12
1237. **Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe** by Steven H. Strogatz; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-16
1238. **Executive Orders** by Tom Clancy; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-17
1239. **Journey to the Edge of Reason: The Life of Kurt Gödel** by Stephen Budiansky; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-19
1240. **Einstein: His Life and Universe** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-25
1241. **American Sketches: Great Leaders, Creative Thinkers, and Heroes of a Hurricane** by Walter Isaacson; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-02-26
1242. **The King's Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy** by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi; 366 min (0.44 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-01
1243. **Churchill: Walking with Destiny** by Andrew Roberts; 3050 min (3.66 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-12
1244. **The Transcendent Brain: Spirituality in the Age of Science** by Alan Lightman; 244 min (0.29 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-15
1245. **Independence Day: What I Learned About Retirement from Some Who've Done It and Some Who Never Will** by Steve López; 366 min (0.44 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-17
1246. **An Open Book: Coming of Age in the Heartland** by Michael Dirda; 671 min (0.80 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-18
1247. **Remainders of the Day: More Diaries from The Bookshop , Wigtown** by Shaun Bythell; 610 min (0.73 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-22
1248. **Invisible Cities** by Italo Calvino; 122 min (0.15 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-03-24
1249. **A Place to Read: Life and Books** by Michael Cohen; 555 min (0.67 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-04
1250. **And Other Essays** by Michael Cohen; 350 min (0.42 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-06
1251. **The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet** by John Green; 642 min (0.77 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-11
1252. **Every Book Its Reader: The Power of the Printed Word to Stir the World** by Nicholas A. Basbanes; 400p (0.98 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-19
1253. **Arguably: Selected Essays** by Christopher Hitchens; 1702 min (2.04 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-21
1254. **The Soul of Baseball: A Road Trip Through Buck O'Neil's America** by Joe Posnanski; 472 min (0.57 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-25
1255. **The Only Woman in the Room** by Marie Benedict; 534 min (0.64 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-04-26
1256. **Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic** by Simon Winchester; 859 min (1.03 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-02
1257. **Les Miserables: None** by Victor Hugo; 3626 min (4.35 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-04
1258. **The Story of America: Essays on Origins** by Jill Lepore; 644 min (0.77 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-07
1259. **Who Got Einstein's Office?: Eccentricity and Genius at the Institute for Advanced Study** by Ed Regis; 336p (0.82 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-07
1260. **All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopedia** by Simon Garfield; 714 min (0.86 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-09
1261. **Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 487 min (0.58 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-12
1262. **The Edge of Knowledge: Unsolved Mysteries of the Cosmos** by Lawrence M. Krauss; 459 min (0.55 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-14
1263. **Between Meals: An Appetite for Paris** by A.J. Liebling; 167p (0.41 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-20
1264. **The Emperor's New Mind** by Roger Penrose; 1107 min (1.33 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-20
1265. **Lying For Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of the World** by Dan Davies; 550 min (0.66 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-20
1266. **The Infidel and the Professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the Friendship That Shaped Modern Thought** by Dennis C. Rasmussen; 607 min (0.73 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-05-30
1267. **Next to Last Stand: Longmire #16** by Craig Johnson; 476 min (0.57 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-01
1268. **Daughter of the Morning Star: Longmire #17** by Craig Johnson; 505 min (0.61 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-02
1269. **Hell and Back: Longmire #18** by Craig Johnson; 579 min (0.69 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-04
1270. **Back Luck and Trouble: Jack Reacher #11** by Craig Johnson; 797 min (0.96 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-06
1271. **Discipline Is Destiny: The Power of Self Control** by Ryan Holiday; 312p (0.76 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-06
1272. **Ego is the Enemy** by Ryan Holiday; 416 min (0.50 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-08
1273. **SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome** by Mary Beard; 1110 min (1.33 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-15
1274. **The Pragmatic Programmer: 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition** by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt; 595 min (0.71 BEq); Williamsburg, VA; finished on 2023-06-19
1275. **The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 610 min (0.73 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-26
1276. **Stephen King: A Complete Exploration of His Work, Life, and Influences** by Bev Vincent; 239p (0.58 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-28
1277. **Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 480p (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-06-30
1278. **Carrie** by Stephen King; 444 min (0.53 BEq); Dunn, NC; finished on 2023-07-01
1279. **Salem's Lot** by Stephen King; 1056 min (1.27 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2023-07-02
1280. **The Shining** by Stephen King; 950 min (1.14 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2023-07-04
1281. **The Stand: Complete and Uncut** by Stephen King; 2867 min (3.44 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2023-07-08
1282. **Night Shift** by Stephen King; 610 min (0.73 BEq); Florence, SC; finished on 2023-07-09
1283. **The Dead Zone** by Stephen King; 972 min (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-10
1284. **Firestarter** by Stephen King; 884 min (1.06 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-13
1285. **Cujo** by Stephen King; 848 min (1.02 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-16
1286. **The Passenger** by Cormac McCarthy; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-17
1287. **Stella Maris** by Cormac McCarthy; 244 min (0.29 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-17
1288. **Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones** by James Clear; 335 min (0.40 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-18
1289. **Danse Macabre** by Stephen King; 1086 min (1.30 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-22
1290. **Tabula Rasa: Volume 1** by John McPhee; 368 min (0.44 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-24
1291. **Avid Reader: A Life** by Robert Gottlieb; 773 min (0.93 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-27
1292. **Avid Reader: A Life** by Robert Gottlieb; 773 min (0.93 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-07-31
1293. **The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece** by Tom Hanks; 957 min (1.15 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-08-03
1294. **The Dark Tower, Book 1: The Gunslinger** by Stephen King; None min (0.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-08-05
1295. **Bully for Brontosaurus** by Stephen Jay Gould; 1051 min (1.26 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-08-27
1296. **A Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 642 min (0.77 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-08-31
1297. **The Mismeasure of Man** by Stephen Jay Gould; 986 min (1.18 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-04
1298. **The Longmire Defense: Longmire #19** by Craig Johnson; 583 min (0.70 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-05
1299. **Why We Love Baseball: A History in 50 Moments** by Joe Posnanski; 713 min (0.85 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-10
1300. **The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 813 min (0.97 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-16
1301. **The Selfish Gene** by Richard Dawkins; 972 min (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-25
1302. **Doom Guy: Life in the First Person** by John Romero; 1024 min (1.23 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-09-29
1303. **The Ultimate History of Video Games, Volume 1: From Pong to Pokemon and Beyond… The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World** by Steven L. Kent; 1409 min (1.69 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-05
1304. **The Ultimate History of Video Games, Volume 2: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and the Billion-Dollar Battle to Shape Modern Gaming** by Steven L. Kent; 1208 min (1.45 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-12
1305. **Hen's Teeth and Horses Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 740 min (0.89 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-15
1306. **I've Been Thinking** by Daniel C. Dennett; 867 min (1.04 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-19
1307. **Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and Diet of Worms: Essays on Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 763 min (0.91 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-23
1308. **Consciousness, Explained** by Daniel C. Dennett; 1299 min (1.56 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-10-31
1309. **The Maniac** by Benjamin Labatut; 591 min (0.71 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-03
1310. **The Rigor of Angels: Borges, Heisenberg, Kant, and the Ultimate Nature of Reality** by William Eggington; 614 min (0.74 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-06
1311. **A Brief History of Intelligence: Evolution, AI, and the Five Breakthroughs That Made Our Brains** by Max Bennett; 737 min (0.88 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-11
1312. **A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence: What It Is, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going** by Michael Woolridge; 488 min (0.59 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-12
1313. **My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir** by Katherine E. Johnson; 461 min (0.55 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-13
1314. **Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 525 min (0.63 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-19
1315. **One Man's Meat** by E. B. White; 708 min (0.85 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-22
1316. **Making It So: A Memoir** by Patrick Stewart; 1130 min (1.35 BEq); Pelham, NY; finished on 2023-11-25
1317. **The Man Who Invented Christmas: How Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol Rescued His Career and Revived Our Holiday Spirits** by Les Standiford; 350 min (0.42 BEq); Pelham, NY; finished on 2023-11-26
1318. **Captain to Captain: Star Trek Legacies, Book 1** by Greg Cox; 580 min (0.70 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-11-27
1319. **Star Trek: The Motion Picture** by Gene Roddenberry; 395 min (0.47 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-01
1320. **Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future in the Stars** by Avi Loeb; 549 min (0.66 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-04
1321. **The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obession** by Michael Finkel; 339 min (0.41 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-05
1322. **A Study In Scarlet** by Arthur Conan Doyle; 290 min (0.35 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-07
1323. **A Talent for War: Alex Benedict #1** by Jack McDevitt; 769 min (0.92 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-10
1324. **Polaris: Alex Benedict #2** by Jack McDevitt; 739 min (0.89 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-13
1325. **A Case of Conscience** by James Blish; 481 min (0.58 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-15
1326. **Miss Marley: A Christmas ghost story ** by Vanessa Lafaye; 213 min (0.26 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-17
1327. **The Order of Time** by Carlo Rovelli; 259 min (0.31 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2023-12-18
1328. **Stories of Your Life and Others** by Ted Chiang; 623 min (0.75 BEq); Smithfield, North Carolina; finished on 2023-12-21
1329. **Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond** by Henry Winkler; 562 min (0.67 BEq); Savannah, Georgia; finished on 2023-12-21
1330. **Surely You Can't Be Serious: The True Story of Airplane!** by David Zucker and Jim Abrahams and Jerry Zucker; 473 min (0.57 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2023-12-22
## 2024
1331. **My Name Is Barbra** by Barbra Streisand; 2897 min (3.47 BEq); Estero, FL; finished on 2024-01-01
1332. **North Woods** by Daniel Mason; 665 min (0.80 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-05
1333. **Remembrance** by Ray Bradbury; 959 min (1.15 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-08
1334. **The Martian Chronicles** by Ray Bradbury; 463 min (0.56 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-10
1335. **The Illustrated Man** by Ray Bradbury; 544 min (0.65 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-12
1336. **Journal of a Novel** by John Steinbeck; 488 min (0.59 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-15
1337. **The Man Who Only Loved Numbers** by Paul Hoffman; 302p (0.74 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-01-31
1338. **The Making of the Atomic Bomb** by Richard Rhodes; 2236 min (2.68 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-02-02
1339. **Masters of the Air** by Donald L. Miller; 1459 min (1.75 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-02-10
1340. **The General and the Genius** by James W. Kunetka; 845 min (1.01 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-02-15
1341. **Racing for the Bomb** by Robert S. Norris; 1381 min (1.66 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-02-22
1342. **Rousseau and Revolution** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; 3441 min (4.13 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-03-09
1343. **The Age of Napoleon: The Story of Civilization, Volume 11** by Will Durant and Ariel Durant; 2639 min (3.16 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-03-17
1344. **Fallen Leaves** by Will Durant; 318 min (0.38 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-03-19
1345. **The Problem of Democracy** by Nancy Isenberg and Andrew Burstein; 1335 min (1.60 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-03-26
1346. **The Revolutionary Samuel Adams** by Stacy Schiff; 854 min (1.02 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-03-30
1347. **Benjamin Franklin: An American Life** by Walter Isaacson; 1540 min (1.85 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-06
1348. **Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout** by Cal Newport; 377 min (0.45 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-08
1349. **The Secrets Between Us: A Novel** by Thrity Umrigar; 715 min (0.86 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-09
1350. **Burn Book: A Tech Love Story** by Kara Swisher; 460 min (0.55 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-11
1351. **Steve Jobs: None** by Walter Isaacson; 1518 min (1.82 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-14
1352. **Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic** by Simon Winchester; 859 min (1.03 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-17
1353. **Leonardo da Vinci: None** by Walter Isaacson; 1037 min (1.24 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-22
1354. **The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: A Journey Through History's Greatest Treasures** by Bettany Hughes; 839 min (1.01 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-04-26
1355. **Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love** by Dava Sobel; 648 min (0.78 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-01
1356. **Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History** by Stephen Jay Gould; 487 min (0.58 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-06
1357. **Cryptonomicon: None** by Neal Stephenson; 2564 min (3.07 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-17
1358. **Oranges: None** by John McPhee; 255 min (0.31 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-19
1359. **The Creative Act: A Way of Being** by Rick Rubin; 345 min (0.41 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-20
1360. **You Like It Darker: Stories** by Stephen King; 1212 min (1.45 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-24
1361. **In the Woods: None** by Tana French; 1218 min (1.46 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-26
1362. **The Colorado Kid: None** by Stephen King; 218 min (0.26 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-27
1363. **First Frost: Walt Longmire, Book 20** by Craig Johnson; 593 min (0.71 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-29
1364. **From A Buick 8: None** by Stephen King; 803 min (0.96 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-05-31
1365. **Fairy Tale: A Novel** by Stephen King; 1446 min (1.73 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-02
1366. **Christine: None** by Stephen King; 1175 min (1.41 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-04
1367. **Pet Sematary: None** by Stephen King; 941 min (1.13 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-06
1368. **The Headmaster: Frank L. Boyden of Deerfield** by John McPhee; 139 min (0.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-07
1369. **Encounters with the Archdruid: None** by John McPhee; 441 min (0.53 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-09
1370. **Basin and Range: Annals of the Former World, Book 1** by John McPhee; 426 min (0.51 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-10
1371. **In Suspect Terrain: Annals of the Former World, Book 2** by John McPhee; 399 min (0.48 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-12
1372. **Rising From the Plains: Annals of the Former World, Book 3** by John McPhee; 447 min (0.54 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-14
1373. **Assembling California: Annals of the Former World, Book 4** by John McPhee; 589 min (0.71 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-17
1374. **Crossing the Croton: Annals of the Former World, Book 5** by John McPhee; 106 min (0.13 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-18
1375. **Coming into the Country: None** by John McPhee; 977 min (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-23
1376. **James: A Novel** by Percivall Everett; 469 min (0.56 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-06-25
1377. **John Quincy Adams: A Man for the Whole People** by Randall B. Woods; 2302 min (2.76 BEq); Daniels, WV; finished on 2024-07-02
1378. **President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier** by C.W. Goodyear; 1074 min (1.29 BEq); Daniels, WV; finished on 2024-07-07
1379. **Chasing the Last Laugh: Mark Twain's Raucous and Repemptive Round-the-World Comedy Tour** by Richard Zacks; 976 min (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-07-31
1380. **A Place to Read: Life and Books** by Michael Cohen; 555 min (0.67 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-08-04
1381. **And Other Essays** by Michael Cohen; 350 min (0.42 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-08-06
1382. **The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales** by Oliver Sacks; 573 min (0.69 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-08-09
1383. **Mr. Churchill in the White House: The Untold Story of a Prime Minister and Two Presidents** by Robert Schmuhl; 826 min (0.99 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-08-14
1384. **What's Next: A Backstage Pass to the West Wing, Its Cast and Crew, and Its Enduing Legacy of Service** by Melissa Fitzgerald and Mary McCormick; 972 min (1.17 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-08-20
1385. **Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evalution and the Meanings of Life** by Daniel C. Dennett; 1624 min (1.95 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-02
1386. **The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design** by Richard Dawkins; 880 min (1.06 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-07
1387. **Science in the Soul: selected writings of a passionate rationalist** by Richard Dawkins; 880 min (1.06 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-11
1388. **An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist** by Richard Dawkins; 476 min (0.57 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-14
1389. **Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science** by Richard Dawkins; 833 min (1.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-17
1390. **The God Delusion** by Richard Dawkins; 832 min (1.00 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-21
1391. **To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science** by Steven Weinberg; 643 min (0.77 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-24
1392. **Third Thoughts** by Steven Weinberg; 400 min (0.48 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-27
1393. **A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes** by Stephen W. Hawking; 346 min (0.41 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-09-28
1394. **Books Do Furnish a Life: Reading and Writing Science** by Richard Dawkins; 947 min (1.14 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-10-05
1395. **A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence** by Jeff Hawkins; 520 min (0.62 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-10-07
1396. **The Better Angels of Nature: Why Violence Has Declined** by Steven Pinker; 2199 min (2.64 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-10-19
1397. **Contact** by Carl Sagan; 885 min (1.06 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-10-22
1398. **Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium** by Carl Sagan; 582 min (0.70 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-10-25
1399. **The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark** by Carl Sagan; 1043 min (1.25 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-01
1400. **Coming Home: Alex Benedict #7** by Jack McDevitt; 709 min (0.85 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-02
1401. **The October Country** by Ray Bradbury; 659 min (0.79 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-03
1402. **The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper** by Roland Allen; 416p (1.01 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-04
1403. **Octavia Gone: Alex Benedict #8** by Jack McDevitt; 697 min (0.84 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-05
1404. **The World She Edited: Katherine S. White at the New Yorker** by Amy Reading; 1259 min (1.51 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-16
1405. **Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors** by Sarah Stodola; 424 min (0.51 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-17
1406. **What Dreams May Come** by Richard Matheson; 512 min (0.61 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-18
1407. **Tooth and Claw** by Craig Johnson; 265 min (0.32 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-19
1408. **The Friday Afternoon Club** by Griffin Dunne; 739 min (0.89 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-22
1409. **The Impossible Man** by Patchen Barss; 693 min (0.83 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-25
1410. **Montaigne** by Stefan Zweig; 172 min (0.21 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-11-25
1411. **The Invention of Nature** by Andrea Wulf; 843 min (1.01 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-12-01
1412. **Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb** by Richard Rhodes; 1720 min (2.06 BEq); ; finished on 2024-12-08
1415. **The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century's Greatest Dilemma** by Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhaskar; 708 min (0.85 BEq); ; finished on 2024-12-13
1416. **The Girl Who Ruined Christmas** by Cindy Callaghan; 142 min (0.17 BEq); None; finished on 2024-12-13
1417. **An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s** by Doris Kearns Goodwin; 1058 min (1.27 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2024-12-17
## 2025
1418. **Wind and Truth: Book 5 of the Stormlight Archive** by Brandon Sanderson; 1330p (3.24 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-08
1419. **Reagan: His Life and Legend** by Max Boot; 1927 min (2.31 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-17
1420. **The Spy Who Came in from the Cold** by John le Carre; 413 min (0.50 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-19
1421. **Karla's Choice: A John le Carré novel** by Nick Harkaway; 642 min (0.77 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-20
1422. **The Letters of J.R.R Tolkien: Revised and Expanded edition** by J.R.R. Tolkien; 1742 min (2.09 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-01-25
1423. **The Hobbit** by J. R. R. Tolkien; 625 min (0.75 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-26
1424. **The Fellowship of the Ring: The Lord of the Rings, Book 1** by J.R.R. Tolkien; 1358 min (1.63 BEq); None; finished on 2025-01-30
1425. **The Two Towers: The Lord of the Rings, Book 2** by J.R.R. Tolkien; 1246 min (1.49 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-02-03
1426. **The Return of the King: Lord of the Rings, Book 3** by J.R.R. Tolkien; 1312 min (1.57 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-02-09
1427. **Source Code: My Beginnings** by Bill Gates; 701 min (0.84 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-02-15
1428. **The Three Lives of James Madison: Genius, Partisan, President** by Noah Feldman; 2052 min (2.46 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-03-01
1429. **Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space** by Adam Higginbotham; 1029 min (1.23 BEq); Arlington, VA; finished on 2025-03-06
1430. **The Making of the Atomic Bomb** by Richard Rhodes; 2236 min (2.68 BEq); None; finished on 2025-03-19